Oct 24, 2005 21:31
I've decided to make one last entry:
This is to those of you too concerned and too deeply involved with yourselves, your possessions, and most of all, your friends.
We're getting older fast, and in a matter of months, I'm afraid that many people will find themselves in shock at how fast life is going to hit them, how fast 'true' or 'best' friends will evaporate out of your lives, and everyone will begin to realize how fragile this time they are wasting now is.
It's all in how much you value what you have, and how you spend (or waste) your time.
It's easy for a friend to become an idol, or a possession to become an idol, and I believe that for many of us, these idols are present in our lives. I'm not getting onto anyone, I'm just trying to save some of you from the hurt to come, and it's obvious to me that it will come or I wouldn't be bringing this topic to anyone's attention. Save yourself ( and save your friends) by being pure at heart and getting rid of the selfish mask that is blinding your relationship with them and God. It takes a true change of heart to get rid of a mask, and some people who are held up to be the best and looked at to be an example, have fooled themselves into thinking that they are pure at heart and open with their true self, when in fact it is a lie to themselves, their 'friends' and to God. Call it what you want, but I'm called to tell you it will all spiral downhill and destroy your current life if your actions and your priorites do not change now.