Character Survey W.D. Edition

Dec 22, 2008 16:48

Name and meaning:
Waddle Dee, No real meaning but probably a reference to how they waddle along in every stage.

Age and date of birth:
Age: 14

Physical attributes: (Elaborate on everything, from hair style to muscle tone to the their eyelid's tendency to flicker up and down during a boring teacher's lessons. Twitch.) 
In his usual form he's a round auburn colored ball with orange feet. He's got black eyes and his face has a sort of peach-colored mask, accompanied by rosy cheeks. His human form has short auburn hair with a small pony tail going off in the back, and Brown eyes. Waddle Dee is a light skinned scrawny boy, despite how he goes out often.

Distinguishing features: (Anything unusual?scars, tattoos, etc. Or an unusual color of hair. What makes your character an individual? Please do not say violet-colored eyes.)
Violet-colored eyes.
His hair is an unusual auburn, I suppose. On shoulder he's got a few scars, and around his left wrist he has a birthmark of an eye. The scars are sort of faded, and it's hard to see the scar in his normal Waddle form.

Frequently used verbal expressions: (Either phrases "unbelievably pretentious" or attitude.)
Waddle dee tends to speak politely to others at all times, sometimes stuttering.

Frequently used facial expression or other physical gesture: (They motion with their hands while they talk, never look people in the eye while giving speeches, tap their pens while listening to professors.)
Tends to avoid direct eye-contact with others, and seems to take on a bored look when dealing with Dedede.

Education (and grade): (Please elaborate on education prior to, during, and after school, including their level of interest in their subject of choice (or as chosen by another) and their general academic behavior. Did they attend primary schools? Home tutoring? Somehow, they managed to read and pick up other basic skills, right?)
Waddle Dee's currently a freshman, and has little 'Homeschooling' from his family. Through his lessons from home he's managed to learn how to read, write, and learn when to run away from things. He really prefers an actual school to that, though.

Academic skills: (Classes they excel at, whether or not essays are the thing for them, neat handwriting, attentive listening? How they manage to pass their classes or career.)
Waddle Dee does okay in pretty much all his classes. His handwriting is easy to read and he's pretty damn good at writing essays.
He manages to pass with mostly C's and B's, I suppose.

Academic weaknesses: (And everything they manage to do to fail.)
Math. He just can't seem to understand it, but he doesn't want to ask because not only will he feel stupid, but Lineback sorta intimidates him.

Main goal (dream) at this point in time: (Their main goal or dream is likely to change over time. How does it reflect their character? What hidden aspects are there to it? Elaborate.)
His dream is to graduate from Sumabura and traverse all of Popstar on his own, and visit all sorts of places. Maybe even go beyond Popstar if he has enough spark left in him to do so. He's never been able to see more of Popstar then just the few places he and his family went, and they always visited the same places each year, so seeing what's out there has always been a major curiousity.

Secondary goals: (Like before, but smaller things that are somewhere in the spectrum, but not at the top of the list.)
Meeting with his family again. He knows where they go every year, so it's not that important of a goal. Spoiler: they come to SBG and he flips out.

Love interest: (One hopes this will change over time. What draws them to this person? Is there a common characteristic in all those they adore? What types of relationships are they involved in?)
He doesn't have one currently, but he did have a small crush on Shaymin while she was around. He liked her mostly for how easily he could talk to her, compared to others at the time.

Family: (At least 100 words on each character should cover occupation, family history, how family members met (your character's parents), and a basic personality description.)
Waddle Dee Clan-
His father is one of the more important members of the clan. He would decide where they went every year, and it was always the same place. He's one of those fathers who only believe in tradition, like "We've always thrown rocks at them in July, and we're gonna keep throwing rocks at them in July. So grab a rock, son,". He's actually very upset over his son's leaving, as they had a huge argument before Waddle Dee decided to go to Sumabura. However he's not willing to break the yearly route to go and see him. Yet.

A more gentle and loving Waddle Dee, but she's stubborn in her own right. Much like her husband she keeps to tradition and never even thinks of breaking it. Despite her rejection, she actually allowed her son to go to SBG out of respect for him.

Surprisingly, he's a Waddle Doo. How did this happen? Nobody in the clan knows, but they seem to be fine with it. Waddle Doo always picked on Waddle Dee when they were younger, and that has caused a sort of loathing on W.D's side of things. Waddle Doo left the clan four years before Waddle Dee came to Sumabura, so he doesn't have an inkling as to where he is.

The rest of the clan is made up of Cousins, Uncles, Aunts, Grandmas and Grandpas. Waddle Dee has no real connection with any of them, though.

Place of residence (city, house, etc.): (Where does your character live?)
BE-24. When he was with his family they would always stay in caves or anywhere people would let them.

Worst past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best, unless something that happened to your character as an adult has had a more significant impact.)
When he was about five, Waddle Doo pushed him into a rapid river current and he got seperated from the clan for a day or so. The only real traumatizing aspect of this was the river, however, so he's grown a bit of dislike for rivers. He also got his scars from being hit by the rocks so much.

Best past experience: (Please remember that experiences are not limited to relationships--early/childhood experiences would be best.)
After managing to get back on dry land, he wasn't really all that traumatized by being alone. He actually really liked being able to walk around the woods without a million others following him or being in front of him.

Hobbies: (All interests.)
Gaming and Gardening. He's a closet otaku and loves cosplaying, though.  He also likes building little box-cars to ride in.

Profession (aspired to): (What does your character want to be when they grow up? Or, if they're already an adult, what do they wish they were doing?)
No job. He'd probably want to be a mercenary of sorts when he grows up. If that wouldn't work out, maybe a video game designer.

Strengths: (Try and keep the number small? weaknesses are more important.)
He's pretty knowledgeable at times.

Weaknesses: (More important for role playing? please include several at least.)
He has an inferiority complex with his older brother, can't swim, he tends to bottle up his feelings, and won't talk to anyone when he's in a really bad mood.

Habits: (Both the good and the bad.)
He hides behind his scarf when he's embarrassed.
When around Dedede he tends to get angrier or more fed up than usual.

Any other information: (Basically an "other" category).
While he knows a lot about his own culture, other cultures and religons of sorts confuse him.
He also tends to say 'Oh dear O2' instead of 'dear god' for some reason. He doesn't even know why, it's just how his parents taught him to say it.

Possessions: (Details as well. What your character owns and what quality it is in.)
Scarf - It's in great quality. He washes it everyday and keeps it in top condition.
Gameboy - It's sorta broken, but what do you expect from something you find in the bargain bin?

Wardrobe: (What your character wears and its condition. This should reflect their social status, financial situation, social involvement, etc.)
He has a long-sleeved shirt, a tank-top hoodie, scarf, brown cargo pants, and tennis shoes. He also has a handbag and a bright yellow short-sleeved shirt.

What they would say about themselves:
That he finds it hard to talk to others, and he's not really that great.

What others would say about them:
I suppose that he's quiet.

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything to avoid?
DEDEDE. And his brother, but mostly DEDEDE. D<

What is the one thing in the world your character would do anything in the world to have?
Friends. Baaaw emo.

How did your character make their enemies? Their friends? (Although this doesn't have to be detailed, explaining circumstances and what unites and estranges your character with others is important.)
He hates how Dedede treats Waddle Dees just like slaves, and how he always mistakes Waddle dee himself for one of his own.
How he met Kirby is a complete mystery (mostly because I haven't confirmed anything with Iyoo), but it was most likely a random occurance that made a mark on Waddle Dee.
He met most of his friends randomly, usually through a comment on their journal or vice-versa.

What does your character fear? (Explain fears and the reasons behind them.)
RIVERS. Especially ones with a fast current.

What is irresistible to your character? (Explain why they can't resist the irresistible and the reasons behind their inability to resist.)
His scarf. He loves the warmth of it, and it was the first thing he was able to buy on his own.

Who does your character admire most? (The person, their admirable qualities, and your character's reasons.)
Probably Kirby for his free spirit, and the fact that it's almost impossible to bring him down.
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