A Not-So-Generic Genre

May 22, 2010 02:01

I reference music quite a bit in the titles of my stories, sometimes because I'm listening to said music while writing them, and sometimes because, in a visual medium, I'd have liked that particular song to be playing.

Considering the fact that fanfiction read through a computer screen kind of breaks free of your typical literary medium, a though occurs.

I found this nifty little HTML code earlier: ♪

Combine it with a link, and setting the cue for when the song would be played in a visual medium is suddenly less than hard. Just open the link in a new tab and have the music in the background. I don't like reading a book with music playing, but fanfiction? Not so much a chore.

I don't want this to be mistaken for substituting ambiance for writing ability in evoking a certain mood for a story, but maybe it'll be more like a spice.

Thinking about going back over some of my previous work and giving this a shot, just to cue in the stuff I've already referenced. Considering the various methods by which I posted the stories, it might be tough, but I'll try not to completely obliterate the stories or their formatting. Future stories which have musical references like this will use this gimmick trick.

Let's see where it goes.

All the best.

Turns out the dog ain't THAT old.

fanfiction, writing theory

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