I am Jossista.

Jul 29, 2008 01:04

Monday. 28th. July.

Wasn't it a FANTASTIC day? Wasn't it? Oh, you know it was. *smiles* Yes, I've had a wonderful day. One of my best friends have come back from USA and we've spend all the day together. Five or six freaks girls in the city, shouting and laughing. I'm sure it was terrifying.

But that's not The Big Thing. The Big Thing is something that will make frecklednose and nasirid hate me. A lot. As I've said, my friend was in the United States and she bought me a present because of my birthday and maybe you know that there is one serie (ok, I'm sure there is more than one serie, but that serie is... special, and you'll know why) which is not sold in Spain.

Isn't it BEAUTIFUL? I was really surprised with the present. IT'S FIREFLY! ONE OF THE BEST SERIES I'VE EVER SEEN!

Wiiii. Have you seen that? Aren't they the best thing ever? Malcolm/Mathan is SO hot in that photo. And the same with Gina and Adam! &hearts &hearts

And, if it wasn't enough, today I've bought A Song of Ice and Fire II: A Clash of Kings.

I told you, a FANTASTIC, WONDERFUL day *smiles*

(And, now that I'm talking about Whedon, I've just remembered that I have to post to dollhouse_esp some things about Dollhouse, 'cause Eliza, Tahmoh and Eliza were at the Comic Con and some funny thins happened there. Also, Joss Whedon interviewed himself and you can find the interview at WHEDONESQUE, his blog. You'll laugh a lot)

(Also, I've seen THREE films in the last days. Four if I finish one this night. I have to make a post, because I liked them so mucho.

And now I bring a... meme! Yes!

Your results:
You are Yoda
Han Solo
Qui-Gon Jinn
Emperor Palpatine
Princess Leia
An Ewok
Luke Skywalker
Lando Calrissian

Wise and all knowing you are…yes.
Tall, dark, and handsome?
Not so much I'd say.

(This list displays the top 10 results out of a possible 21 characters)

Click here to take the "Which Star Wars character am I?" quiz...

I am Yoda. Yes. I AM YODA. And, if Yoda is my hero, and I am Yoda, am I my hero? That's a weird thing. But, as you can see, I'm happy being Yoda. I'm green! And small! And a great fighter! And I'm Yoda! XDDDDDD

Por si alguien se siente perezoso para leer en inglés, comentario rápido:

-Como veis, tengo los DVD's de Firefly. Preciosos, maravillosos, exquisitos y los amo mucho.

-También tengo Choque de Reyes. Que ya era hora. Ahora la saga tiene hasta tag propio *aplaude*

-Also, tengo que comentar en dollhouse_esp porque Joss, Eliza y Tahmoh han estado en la Comic Con y quiero hacer un mini reporte de la misma. Además, Joss se ha entrevistado a sí mismo, y es DEMASIADO divertido como para perdérselo. Así que a ver si me pongo, coñe.

-Sí, soy Yoda, ¿qué pasa?

-Btw, ahora no encuentro el banner, pero ¡visitad comic4dummies que mola mogollón. (Las admins también molamos, pero eso no está bien decirlo).

FANTASTIC INTERVIEW TO JOSS WHEDON! / ¡Fantástica entrevista hecha por Joss para Joss! Si vais a ver Dollhouse u os interesa o adoráis a Joss, ¡debéis verla!

cinema: star wars, tv, book: a song of ice and fire, joss whedon is my god, comics, i am a fangirl, cinema, comus

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