It seems that they were saying the truth. I have internet again! And I have nothing else to say... meme!
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
storybox chose...
i. Dr. Horrible was a huge surprise: it is funny, smart and it has great songs that make you want sing all day (it also has Nathan and Neil and that's awesome). That's why I needed an icon, and this one is just great ♥
ii. When I watched Battlestar Galactica, the miniseries, there were some things I didn't know. I didn't know how much I'd love the show, I didn't know how much I'd love Kara or Galen or Tyrol or Athena or Six or Gaius... OR HELO. Helo is the perfect man, and I've become a big fan of Tahmoh, so he deserves his own icon.
iii. Buffy the vampire slayer is my favourite show ever. I love every character, every plot, every bad guy... god, I love every sentence! And that moment was great. It was beautiful and I think that it was the perfect ending for the show. (Also, I fell in love with the icon since the very first moment I saw it).
iv. I refused to watch Supernatural during ages. I needed a whole year to watch the first season. I'm totally honest when I say that I actually don't like the first season, it really bores me. And I was going to stop watching it when... Jo appeared! For me, the show starts in its second season, gets better in its third one, and becomes a really good show in the fourth. It may has something to do with the other characters, but even with that, I get that Sam and Dean are the heart of the show.
v. I LOVE BARNEY STINSON! And this is my 'YAY' icon, the one I use for celebrations. Just like now, I have holidays, so... *makes Barney's dance* He.
vi. Freaks and geeks is one of the last shows I've discovered. And I *really* like it. Lindsay is not my favourite character BUT I like to have icons according to my moods. Barney's one is the icon I use when I'm happy, that one is the one I use when I want to hit someone LOL.