Feb 23, 2008 17:04
Wow...this has been a busy week!
Got up at 4 AM on Tuesday and flew out to Chicago for an on-site visit to Motorola. Trip went great, they now have at least 40% performance increase. Flew back Wednesday night, wind chill Wednesday morning was 20 below. Brrr!
Was denied in my effort to make it back to the Love Bites Singalong on Thursday, but got tickets to the Moulin Rouge Singalong next Thursday to compensate. Not as much fun as heartbroken power ballads, but probably better in terms of ratio. Speaking of which, I think I'm about done with being single - its had its advantages, but I'm really due for a change.
Teched both shows last night at the theater, saw Curtis Needs a Ride and Smoking Arm do especially fun sets, then off to SVT for opening night party of yet another improv school. Improv wins!
This morning I judged the regional science fair, and once again it was big fun seeing the kids and their projects. I think I was a teacher in another life - I get a kick out of activities like this. We desperately need more trained science/engineer types around here, and seeing kids at such a young age being interested in science is very encouraging!
Was supposed to fall off the earth for the weekend on a backpacking trip, but sadly that was canceled. So, improv tonight instead. That being said, I reallllly want to get out of the city and disappear for a few days. Anybody up for a camping trip in the coming weeks?