Aug 29, 2006 19:41
wow,,, like holy shit,,, so im in miamim 4 hockey and like i got to this mall called the dolphin mall,,,, so im there with richard mccoy ( my homedog, hes one big mutha ucka and he can bench about 220), vinny caFone, eric kennedy ( the straigghtest cuban ever) his boy manny(another cuban), my brother michael, kelly johnson, and we were walking by a nigger store and i say " oh gee thats where i shop!" and some hispanis mutha Fuckas's say " shut the Fuck up man, and i say "Fuck u pussy" and we walked away,, it was a dead ebd! when we went back those 3 hispanics duplicated to about 7 older men,, they came up to me pushed me and were all like " u gonna talk shit now?" and im all like "Fuck u!" and me and my boy's took oFF running, but they caught me and started beating the shit out oF me but luckily they didnt hit me in my pretty Face, ( but they gave my brother a black eye) and like we were out numbered and they were like humungous compare to us so aFter a minute oF them practically killing us a security cop came up and everyone split! it Felt like the real thing,! gangsta style! and like eric and manny live in miami and so he called some oF his boy's and they met us there and we duplicated to about 13 and we went looking 4 them but we couldnt Find them! lucky mutha Fucka's! cause we were gonna TRY to kick there asses,,, anyways i love miami! thats were one oF my dad's grew up! its oFF the Fucking hook,,, i cant wait too go back too kick some more ass.. ::cough:cough:: get my ass kicked is more like it! anyways i hate everylast one oF u! much love hate! comment... bye...FUCKERS