Jun 15, 2008 14:53
If anyone's interested.
1. Full Name: Mike Mackall
2. Age: 38
3. Location: Tallahassee, FL.
4. Occupation: Retail and commercial sales. I sell house paint and supplies for the local Benjamin Moore and P.P.G. dealer.
5. Partner? KimBoo York, married for over 9 years.
6. Kids: HELL NO! But I do have 3 very demanding cats:)
7. Brothers/Sisters: Michele Clifton, age 37, married, one kid, lives in Deleon Springs, FL.
8. Pets: 3 cats.
1st cat: Origin: half Siamese; Color: black and grey; Real Name: Pirate; Jellicle Name: Kreacher; Age: 18.
2nd cat: Origin: pure bred Himalayan; Color: grey seal tip; Real Name: Wacko; Jellicle Name: Crookshanks; Age: 9.
3rd cat: Origin: pure bred Siamese; Color: black; Real Name: Dobby; Jellicle Name: Disaster Cat; Age: 3.
9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life:
First, Truck issues. See previous posts.
Second, Cost of living. We're trying to stay employed and pay the bills on time.
third, Living in limbo. Kim and I are both trying to get where we want to be in life but are being frustrated by everything that life is throwing at us. At least we have our health, for now.
10) Where and for what did you go to school for? I attended TCC last spring, finishing 5 classes in pursuit of a Certificate in Small Business Management. I had to take the summer and fall terms off due to one, my classes being canceled for lack of government funding and two, the need for full time employment to pay the bills. I plan on attending the 2009 summer term, the economy willing.
11) Parents? William and Annette Mackall, living in Sanford, FL. They'll be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary this September.
12) Who are some of your closest friends? I have only one close friend, KimBoo. Though I do have a few cool friends as well. If, I'm currently talking to ya, then consider yourself on that list:)