Been a while since I updated here. I've been writing way more regularly
here. I associate this blog with my first year or two of college so I feel like I've moved on from it. Also, I feel like this blog is more for other people (the friend page) and my other blog is really for me and the occasional person that seeks it out.
I miss Bali.
I had my gallbladder removed.
I was fired by Vivian but was just offered two positions with other people.
I'll be making $17-$20/hour under the table. Go me.
I turned 22.
I moved to Brooklyn.
The plan is to work until December then go to Antarctica and come back up overland through South and Central America next spring. I've been working on a budget and it looks like I'll be able to save up about $19,000 by December. That's after taking out a generous amount for rent, food and other expenses like clothes or random purchases. I am excited.
Much love.