Apr 23, 2005 21:50
This kinda coinsides with what Caitlyn wrote but i kno what she means. I was earlier looking at some of my old stuff. Like cards from this past birthday, and then pictures from when i was like 6 and such a ham. Its amazing how quick everything changes. I mean u look at pictures of me from a few years and even the beginnign of this year, and then look at me now, i mean yes a lil bit u can tell its me but other wise i have changed a whole bunch. More than all me siblings by far. Then looking at me cards its amazing of u i am close with now and who i was close iwth in the past. I mean I still talk to everyone the social butterfly that i am, but my best guy friends and best girl friends from last year have some what changed!! And i kno that some might say well its gonna be the same way next year, but hopefully its not. We have all built a family and considered those who each one is friends with too. To think about loosing all this next year can bring a tear to my eye immediatley.
Spring, for some reason always brings fights and stress to those at school. I swear a big thing happened last year, and this past week is some what of a start to another big explosion. I just wish for once everyone would not fight, it would be great. And im just worried that what is goin on now is gonna blow up in my face. EVen though im not the problem, or atleast the big one, i just have a funny feeling.
teenage life.........