Sep 01, 2005 22:44 my life is apparently boring. Meh, it probably is. I dont really do too much, do I? I talk to alot of people, work a few days a week and get drunk on the weekends and occassionly during the week. Yay for me. Ha, not.
So yeah. Money has been a big issue for me lately. I dont have any. Bills keep comming and my wallets always empty, as is my bank account. I cant save money. I get paid and then end up spending it on ciggarettes, bus fares and alcohol and then whatevers left I have to give to my mum because shes the one who's paying all these bills for me. I fucking hate it. I just want my money and all these great things. I'm glad that it's not much longer till my birthday and then another month and its christmas because then I can ask to get all these great things and not have to pay for them myself. Yay! I need to work more I think. Stupid fucking rostering manager!
Hmmm. Well Gaza is going to New Zealand in a few days. She better get me a present! I want to ring her and tell her to have a safe trip and everything but Im scared that if I ring her that Jenny might be over and answer her phone. Oh well. Ive still got a few days to gather up the courage to call.
I'm also meant to be going out this weekend with everyone for Hayley's 20th birthday. Hmmm but once again money is a big issue. Because it's fathers day on sunday and then on monday it's my mum's birthday. So I've got to still buy them presents. Hmmm. I dont know, I told Hayley I would be there but meh I dont know. I shouldn't have gone out 2 times last week and then I would have had more money for this week. Oh well fuck only live once...