Apr 16, 2004 21:25
Well well well. Have I had a hella week!!!!?????
Fuck yeah! I have sorted out so much shit this past week and it has been great. I love it.
I saw a shooting star on monday night and I made a wish, which most definetly came true, and I loved every second of it. ha! It was good.
Ummm yeah. Then things were sorta fucked again by tuesday night but its all gravy baby! aiiiight!!!
Ummm Yeah...I dont know hey. Im fucking bored as tonight. I woke up this morning with some funky allergic reaction all over my body. MUKKI! so I went to da doctors and now I'm on a antihistamine ( or however you spell it ) but yeah. It makes me want to sleep, which is great because I wont itch myself. haha!!! take that stupid itchy body!!!
Hmmmm so yeah, me being itchy sucks because I wanted to get on chemicals tonight and then tomorrow night I was meant to go to a party with people from school and Anica would have been there too. It would have been cool, but oh well.
I cant fucking wait for next weekend tho'. Its going to be so much fun. My paretns are going away for the weekend and so I'm having a bit of a get together. I dont care if it is just me sitting at home alone, I am going to be having fun. Fuck yeah its gonna be da bomb (like Gaza!!!) yeah! she's da bomb! haha she wrote that about herself on a memo on the crew notice board at work. ha! shes a mad chik. But yeah.
I might go coz im fukd and bored...