Jul 17, 2006 15:10
They share one.
I come to work today to learn that directly after the baseball game I ran on saturday, there was exactly one hour of dead air. I got beefed upon for that. Madly and wildly beefed upon. Not so much in the actual, verbal sense. But in that awkward, silent sense.
My boss comes back from his two hour sabatacle directly after beefing me out, asks where the scanner is. I tell him it's at home, and he tells me to go get it so it can be charged. I do this, and on my way back to the office, I smoke a cigarette. Just as I bring my lighter back to my pocket, there's my boss and my other boss, walking out the door to the NewsCruiser to get some tobacco for themselves. They finish, walk back inside, and while passing, ask me to come upstairs with them.
I follow Pete (my direct boss) and Kirk (my actual boss) into Kirk's office, and take a seat.
Apparently, "corporate" feels that my position is in need of deletion. Not because of my string of upfucks, mind you. Because the station is over budget. Which made me happy, because for once, I didn't bring it on myself.
The first thing that came to mind, as far as plans are concerned, is getting a pizza job, doing random board op duties, and generally continuing with life, not having to worry too much about that responsibility thing that's been hanging over my head... damn you, responsibility...
In short, I'm fairly relieved. Even though I'm not going to get paid for it, I get to remain in the building. With a door code, email, and everything.
It's not the fucking money... it's the radio...
I could tell that Pete was fairly touched by my resolve to remain without pay. I really like it when I make Pete happy... I shouldn't be talking about this on fucking LiveJournal, not knowing who in this building might read this, but I have an immense deal of respect for Pete. I hate the word mentor... but I'm afraid it's the only word that fits him.
So, yeah... all in all, not that bad of a day.
God, I love perspective...