Hi, I'm a Niconico addict, especially the Vocaloid and singing section, I'm also trying to learn Japanese (techincally got JLPT1, but since I learned mostly from online grammar list, and not from class or actual usuage, I don't know half as much as I am supposed to...) AND a horrible procrastinator.
So I was thinking if I make it a project to translate the songs that I love, it would motivate me to actually study...
Favourite vocaloid is KAITO, but I like the whole family, including UTAU; favourite singers are じゃっく, トゥライ, vip店長, 雌豚, recog, ぱにょ, etc
Nothing friend locked for now, unless I ever got around to scanning the few doujin / ripping the ...2... doujin music cd I have bought...
Feel free to friend and leave a message (in case I managed to miss the LJ notice), and I will add you back.
If there is any need to use the lyrics (for singing/archive/video/whatever) go ahead, just remember to credit the original writer. You don't have to credit me, just as long as you don't claim the credit instead (and I'm totally not responsible for any screw up with the translation... I try to make sure they are as accurate as I can get, but neither Japanese nor English is my first language, so. If you spot any error please do correct me, I'd love you forever for that.)
To do list for the translations. Feel free to make requests ^^
Posting Romaji with no Translations at