ShigotoshiteP Medley Translation draft

Jun 15, 2009 02:57

English fixed by Krystal.
Will do Romaji later (but I keep getting side tracked ^^; (check This out! XDDD and this is making me love the song~ And why is most of ShigotoshiteP's song not yet translated????)

[東ノ暁 西ノ黄昏]
一人では輝けぬ弱い私を 強く 照らしておくれ

かわいた木枯らし そよそよと
かわいた木の葉は ひらひらと
相見える日を 待ちながら 刻を数え歩く

綴る言の葉に 彩られ
紅く色めき 刹那に踊る
紅葉一枚 手の平に滑り

紅、黄金に 彩られ
揺れる 樹々たち 横切りながら
枯れ葉 共に 道連れに 翔け抜ける 木の葉とつがゐこがらし


残されし人の想いよ どうか沈むことなく
散りゆく薄紅色と共に 美しく咲き誇れ

移り変わる季節の中 僕は何を歌うのだろう
柩の中眠る君を想い 泣くのだろう

潰えた道辿り着くまで 私のこの心届けておくれ

[歌う大地 ]


風に揺れる一輪の花 君は
いつかきっと この大地緑に染め

ただ立ち尽くし 耳を塞ぎ 瞳閉じ
僕は 泣いていた…

霞む光に 揺れる水面に
囁くように 歓喜の音 聞こえる

深い森の中 彷徨い行く
聞こえたのは いつかの歌声
紡がれた言の葉に込めた願いは今 何処に?

僕等は歌い願う 小さな希望の謳
響く祈りにも似た 旋律を

[君だけに僕だけの][東ノ暁 西ノ黄昏 (Dawn of the East, Dusk of the West)
Please shine strongly on me, who is weak and can’t shimmer on my own

[番凩 (Pair Gushes of Wintery Winds)
The dry wintry wind blows, gently past
The dried leaves of the trees fall, fluttering down
Waiting for the day we meet, I walking whilst counting its moments

Gaining colours in the weaving words
The vivid red dances in the blink of an eye
A piece of autumn leaf glides onto my palm
It tells of…

The red being coloured into gold
Passing through the swaying woods
I run alongside the dried leaves and the wintry wind

[黄泉桜 (Cherry Blossom of the Underworld]
Release this heart which is tied to and tying others to the earth
Do not grieve for separations
Let the beautiful flowers blossom
As a farewell gift for those going onto the next journey
Do not sigh about being left behind and curse the future
Nor sink into the depths of sorrow
Let the beautiful flowers blossom
Let’s show them the pink colour again tonight

[時忘人 (Time Forgotten One)] (in the background)
The thoughts of the people who were left behind, please do not sink
Blossom proudly along with the spreading pink

[記憶ノ欠片 (Fragments of Memories)]
In the turning seasons, do I sing something,
Or do I think of you, who is eternally sleeping in the coffin, and cry?

[コイウタ (乞い唄Song of Imploration)]
Thoughts that are to be forgotten
Ride on the wind to reach that person before you disappear
May this heart of mine reach him before he arrives at the broken path

[歌う大地 (The Singing Earth)]
The cracked world crumples without a sound
Falling into ruins, robbing me of the one person most important to me

I stood still with my voice hoarse,
Appearing in my sights is a flower
Its colour the same sky-blue as your eyes

The flower wavering in the wind, you will
Someday, for sure, colour this world with green
Until the day that world has been restored
I will keep singing

[Not Yet Released New Song]
As if almost to connect, but then fading away to nothing
The melody of the pulse of life
Standing totally still, I covered my ears and closed my eyes
I cried…

In the hazy light, on the rippling water surface
Like a whisper, the sound of happiness can be heard
Having lost even my purpose for life
To where should I go?

To take back what I have lost
I go wandering into the deep forest
What I heard there, was a singing voice from before
Where are the wishes that had been weaved into words now?

We will sing those wishes, a small song of hope
In words that will not fade
Like a resounding prayer, sending the melody
With the voice of our lives, into the sky…

Melody from [君だけに僕だけの(For you Only , From Me Alone)

and I started at around 1:30 too... i.e. half the medley took me 1:30 hours @@; Usually a full song takes me 20-30 mins to translate (much longer to sub ^^; plus I do my proofreading while subbing... hence why there are still so many typos)...
ShigotoshiteP's lyrics are haaard ^^;;;;;

Took at least 3 hours to finish, not counting grammar check by Krystal, or subbing @@;
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