Apr 09, 2006 13:57
The Prom was last night. Now before I got there I was like, I don't wanna go, it's gonna be weird, people are going to ask why I'm here or the usual "just can't leave Triton can you?"
I still got the "why are you here?" but whatever.
Hanging out with Jenn and Marissa were SO much fun. I had a freakin blast and didn't care what I looked like... so I fucking tore up that dance floor bitches.
Everyone looked really, really good. I was taken back and like Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!
Everyone has grown up so fast. I'm so glad people have relaxed and HAD FUN!
Tonight the family and I are going to SPAMALOT!
I'm so excited. Just gotta get a paper and outline done for TOMORROW!!! \(*o*)/