so this morning, btwn whacking the snooze button about 38 times, i had a couple of odd dreams, and i will proceed, in true freudian fashion, to analyze them. haha no, except not. *dies* would not be freudian for the world.
so i had a dream that elaine and i were hobbits. we still looked like us and talked like us and and were in a modern-day setting, but we were hobbits...and elaine was counseling me because in the dream, gandalf amd i were lovers and i was worried about the age diff and um...species diff? but yeah, elaine was telling me that it was okay that he was a pervy hobbit-fancier because of cassandra claire's very secret diaries...and then at one point i was like, he doesn't even look like he's 64! which of course is ian mckellan's age, not gandalf's, but that's okay. and we proceeded to watch a short film slip of gandalf where apparently he totally did not look 64, except now that i think about it the guy in the clip looked more like aragorn.
then i had a warm fuzzies dream about sam, and when i woke up i was worried for a second because the two dreams got melded in my head and i panicked and thought i'd had a warm fuzzies dream about gandalf.
so the whole elaine counseling me thing was residue from right before i went to sleep and she was listening to me rant and whine and making all sorts of appropriate comforting noises and giving me advice (since she is going to be a peer counselor about relationships), so that just got condensed and redirected because the original would be too traumatizing and the ego is the sleep-preserver. only the choice of gandalf and hobbits was not the best judgement on the part of my ego, i think, cuz that was rather traumatizing too. and then the warm fuzzies dream was my ego trying to remind me that i really do like sam a lot.
so yes, there you have it! i have learned something from hum!