Warverse Christmas Fic

Dec 25, 2002 10:33

A fic set in the dolosus universe with my character contemplating the changed wizarding world and its disheartening effect on Christmas, a counterpoint to her journal entry. Probably won't make any sense to anyone else except me, but I wanted to archive this somewhere other than my little green notebook.

A tall black woman with a sleek ponytail paused at a Christmas window display. Lost in the tinsel and lights, she barely noticed the crush of shoppers on the London street behind her.

A small band was playing Christmas carols on the street corner, breaking into "Deck the Halls". Some of the passing shoppers were humming along out of habit.

After listening for a few minutes, the woman moved on, wandering out of the crowded shopping district back towards her familiar part of London. She passed by some nattily dressed protesters waving picket signs and handing out flyers.

"End the war now!"

"You can't bring back the dead with war!"

You Muggles don't know the half of it.

Shaking her head, she headed into the Leaky Cauldron, barely noticing the huddled regulars, now noticably fewer. She passed through the barrier into Diagon Alley.

The shops didn't seem so pristinely decorated as in previous years. Little children didn't scurry to the window of Quality Quidditch Supplies to beg their parents for the latest broom model.

Oh, Mummy, can we go in please?

Not this time, Angelina, you won't be able to take one to Hogwarts in your first year.

Madame Malkin's shop looked almost deserted without the steady stream of students and their parents. The closing of Hogwarts had an immediate and chilling effect on the economy of Diagon Alley. More and more attention was turned towards the war effort. Those who didn't adjust didn't survive.

A chilly breeze whipped through the street. She could almost hear laughter on that magical breeze. If she turned a corner, she could almost see a forgotten friend. She could hail a Gryffindor teammate heading for the apothecary.

Pulling her coat closer, Angelina Johnson kept on walking. Christmas was about memories and Diagon Alley was filled with too damn many of them.

dolosus, warverse, christmas, angelina, harry potter

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