Wonder Woman in a movie? After a fashion.

Jul 27, 2014 00:01

I'm trying to ignore the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. I'd probably have succeeded if they hadn't included Wonder Woman. Today, the WB had their panel at San Diego Comic Con with their stars, including our first look at Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. I actually like Gadot's look all things considered, although she still looks slender compared to Cavill and Affleck. WonderAli sums a lot of my problems with this costume in her tumblr post. The fact I didn't see the damn lasso until the closeup was posted covers it well. And we won't discuss the thigh high do-me boots and the "is it a skirt? is it a loincloth?" she's wearing. Part of me thinks it was a compromise between the swimsuit, but another wishes it was a real battle skirt if you're going there. The colors and mood still scream more Xena than Wonder Woman to me. (It still irked me listening to that BBC "In Our Time" episode on the Amazons that they could name Xena and not Wonder Woman...)

wonder woman

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