IM 2 plans?

May 03, 2010 15:21

Does anyone in the DC area have plans to see Iron Man 2? I'm contemplating seeing it Friday night or over the weekend. Right now, I'll hit Ballston, since it's closest, but I'll consider other Metro-accessible options. Ballston apparently has a "digital projection" option as well, if you want your superheroes all shiny and stuff.

I'll wait until I've seen the movie before I spring for the Imax version. I've had nausea issues with Imax in the past. I've seen most of the older space/aviation oriented movies (i.e. "To Fly"/ "The Dream is Alive"/ "Hail Columbia"), a side effect of living so close to the Air & Space Museum and attending Space Academy on two separate occasions. The only times I haven't had the issues was when I sat up higher in the seating. That was for a special showing for my Space Academy Columbia team before our team mission; we won best team. I was a EVA crew working on the Hubble space telescope. This was a few years before Hubble was actually launched; that was only a year or two after Challenger to date myself even further. I figure the "To Fly" reference already did that...

iron man, movies

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