The stockings need to be found first....

Nov 27, 2009 20:55

fandom_stocking has opened early for sign ups. If you didn't participate last year, the rules are fairly simple. You sign up giving your favorite fandoms/characters/pairings/etc. When the "stocking" posts with requests go up, you can write some ficlets/drabbles, but you can also submit fanart/icons/etc. You'll get a fun assortment from people too. The comm usually goes live in January.

yuletide is in the canon rewatching stage.

Still have a perfect record for mini_nanowrimo. I just have to figure out what I'm going to write tonight. And no, taking over the world is not an option. Although if I could work into fic, I might...

challenge: yuletide, challenge: fandom_stocking, mini_nanowrimo, fanfic challenges

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