Still more Disney/Marvel

Sep 02, 2009 15:57

The Magical Fantastical Disney/Marvel Mashup Meme!

Um, I may have offered up a couple of prompts. And none of them involved the X-men. I'm a little scared now.

Fantastic Fangirls offered up the two best responses to the Disney/Marvel thing: Two Fairy Tale Characters Walk into a Diner and asked the obvious question Which Disney character would you like to see in the Marvel universe? I learned far too much about the history/background/social commentary of the "Parent Trap" movies than I ever expected. I also discovered my answer was: villainesses. With all the Doctor Dooms and Norman Osbournes of the Marvel Universe, I'd love them to meet Maleficent and Ursula and the Queen of Hearts and the Snow White's Queen. I know Marvel has its share of female villains, but in the world-conquering style, the Disney ladies are quite spectacular. It'd just be... fun. And dragons. You can't have enough dragons apparently.

fanfic challenges, comic books

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