Guess the OTP meme

Jan 27, 2009 16:14

Pick up to 15 OTPs.
Describe them in less than 15 words.
Have your flist guess the OTP.

This was a little harder than I'd bargained. I've loosely included my favorite pairings. I'll accept two answers for #13 since they're so similar, but otherwise, see how well you know me.

1. She reminds him where he's from. He reminds her not to judge by appearances. Lois Lane/Clark Kent guessed by becs1024

2. He likes to hide in shadows. She always sees the truth. Bruce Wayne/Diana Prince guessed by caia_comica and harmonyangel

3. He was too musty. She was too modern. But they were fun while they lasted.

4. No one knew their city the way they did. Or trusted each other so completely.

5. Snark and boom go hand in hand. Rodney McKay/Laura Cadman guessed by alterangirl

6. Til death do them part. Again and again and again. Scott Summers/Jean Grey guessed by harmonyangel

7. Married. Divorced. Married. Divorced. Married to someone else???

8. Fight or flight.

9. Geeks in love, even if they've stopped dating.

10. She tried to kill him on the first date. Of course he proposed marriage immediately.

11. They've mostly weathered the odds... and Judd Winnick. Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen both guessed by caia_comica and harmonyangel.

12. She doesn't know how she gets dragged into his schemes. He's mostly glad she did.

13. Two minds, two hearts, so many different lives in history and space.

14. She was the private investigator. He was the lawyer. Why was there no happily ever after for these two?

15. Sticks and stones can break his bones, but words can never hurt her.


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