In a circular fashion, we've almost come back to how I started with NCIS with a chance guest appearance by Torri Higginson. The difference now is I'm watching the show regularly, so I don't have to go "Who is he again?" or "Is she always like that?" I can nod my head sagely at certain character bits.
Okay, the DC native in me is terribly amused by Ducky & Jimmy's discussion on the DC grid system. Upon reflection, they were right around the corner from my work. Egad!
There are certain characters you wibble over. Josh being shot in "West Wing" is the classic moment in memory. Flash in "Divided We Fall" was pretty close. Ducky could have been that moment if they'd played it differently. I don't know whether it was because I'd read the episode description before or because of the black and white freeze frames they do before each bit, because it fell a little flat. But yes, it does say a lot about Ducky that even hopped up on morphine he can use words with the same zip and zing.
Ducky's story was interesting when we think of where he is now, talking to the dead and discovering their secrets. He doesn't try to fix them anymore. In that sense, Herr Pain was successful. Ducky wasn't the idealistic doctor anymore.
The team felt woefully underused. Maybe because there wasn't a real case, per se, or maybe because Gibbs was finding all the real clues. On the other hand, I like seeing Gibbs the investigator, rather than just the ex-Marine barking orders.
Oh, poor McGee. No wonder he's conflicted about his geeky past. He was a Mac and then he was a PC.
I did quite like Torri's appearance in this episode, although part of me wished she'd been allowed to do more medical examiner work and less taking care of Ducky. On the other hand, it was nice to see the softer side of Dr. Mallard. It was also nice of them to give him a lady friend who didn't either turn out to be evil or die at the end. He nearly has as bad luck in that department as Tony.