New X-men comm

Dec 03, 2008 23:09

xmen_on_lj: New X-men comicsverse community for discussions on canon and fic in the X-men comics, both current and past. The comm is pitched both to people who are currently fans and those of us (*raises hand guiltily*) who may have strayed from the mutant path because of various issues. I'm still working up to my own subscription for those issues. I still think of myself on the periphery of X-men fandom. I'm reorganizing my old writing files and I keep discovering story ideas I liked but never pursued completely, like the powerswap.

Also scans of the first issue of X-men Noir #1, released today. The photo realistic style is throwing me out a little. The idea is nifty, of course. Reminds me of jordannamorgan's Mutant Noir icons.

communities, x-men

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