So Newsarama has remodeled. I can't find anything as usual. I'm experiencing the same issue with the redone Comic Book Resources. I understand wanting a cleaner niftier interface, but could you please make it easier too? Thankfully they've added rss feeds.
In the meantime, Tom Bondurant is provided
annotations for the recently started Trinity weekly. He even ponders the question of
Wonder Woman's continuity. To say Diana has a convoluted history is putting it mildly. And it's a pretty puzzle whether you should bother trying to reconcile all those versions. Hinting at that history with the white suits or the Taco Whiz comments are half the fun, like DVD easter eggs. (*sighs* Why did this week's comics have to good and why do I have to be a sensible budget conscious adult for a change?)
merfilly wants your
J'onn Jonzz fic. It's only 100 words. Again the summer challenge has suggested one tasty suggestion... I don't even have a table!