An epiphany...

Apr 23, 2008 15:45

For those who don't know, one of my non-fannish hobbies is needlework, mostly cross stitch. Occasionally the interests coincide, like when I stitched that David Tennant picture. I still have this idea of stitching the Stargate point of origin symbol. I'll have to see if my old Pcstitch works with XP or not. It'd be lovely in some starry or sea variegated thread. Hmm...

But what does this have to do with fanfiction of all things? Well, I've been working on this mammoth Celtic project. We were encouraged to choose our own colors and fabrics. This terrified me. Unlike some of my friends who dream in hexidecimals or DMC, I'm always afraid my color sense is just a little off. I pulled together colors I thought worked together though. I uploaded the most recent update to the mailing list today. After worrying that no one would like it and oh the colors were so different from everyone else's, I roared with laughter realizing I was reacting the same way I would if I'd just put out a piece of fic. The very same fear of crickets chirping, the worries I'm not as skilled as more experienced writers/stitchers, the gratifying whoosh when I start seeing the responses... It's all there.

Creativity is creativity.

That's all. That was the dumb epiphany.

Maybe I needed to remind myself that.

writing, needlework, doctor who, fandom, stargate: atlantis

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