TV watching habits

Mar 25, 2008 13:45

I'm still resisting the urge to catch up with either SPN or SGA. At this rate, I'll be perpetually a season or two behind. I want to try to get caught up before Media West if only so I don't have a repeat of last year's vids.

I did watch the last three or four episodes of "Blood Ties". I do sorta agree with andpuff's blog comment that she left feeling immensely satisfied. A lot of times when series end with one season (and we're assuming worst case scenario here) we're left with a lot of sadness and anger. We grumble about what they could have done better and what they messed up. And while yes, we'd love more Vicki & Henry and Mike (and Coreen and... you get the picture), and I'd really have loved them to delve more into Vicki/Henry romance, doomed or not. All the same, they did pretty good. They could have ended the season so much worse, dangling bits and all. Instead, we got some answers and some endings and some beginnings. I was a little surprised by my reaction to "We'll Meet Again". I usually like the reincarnated lovers twist, but somehow it didn't work this time for me. Maybe I'm getting cynical.

I haven't a clue why I'm saving episodes of "Cashmere Mafia". Maybe I need to be in a mood to watch them or something. I wasn't a "Sex in the City" fan, but I did love Miranda Otto in LOTR so I was curious. Even a plain jane Nine West girl like me can appreciate the opening scene in the second episode where all the four women are looking through or changing handbags. Almost wish I could treat myself to a Gucci or Coach bag when I got a new job... or a nice pair of shoes that actually fit.

And then there's my new swoon "New Amsterdam". I was hesitant when I heard about this show. How many times can we see the immortal police detective? Thus far, though, we've obliterated some of the old cliches from "Highlander". I love Omar's perspective on John. And he's not nearly as brick worthy as "Forever Knight". But remember my romantic cynicism above? Dr. Sara feels like a reject from "Grey's Anatomy". She's pretty and nice and of course she has an awful marriage which makes it all okay. I'm hoping there's another catch to this whole one true love business. As I told smittywing, I keep expecting Zathras to show up from Babylon 5 and say sadly "Not the One". Or as J. Michael Straczynski was wont to say on Compuserve in response to whether Sheridan or Sinclair were the One -- "The one what?" Part of it is clearly the shortened schedule. Rather than build up the romance, she's thrust at us and we're supposed to sigh romantically like good fans. Except this show has shown that it can twist it around even the simplest of ideas.

blood ties, new amsterdam, tv, spn, cashmere mafia, stargate: atlantis

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