An unexpected comics stop...

Dec 22, 2007 15:02

Comics show up when you least expect it. I still hadn't found Wonder Woman #15. Borders hasn't updated their racks and my Falls Church owner stared at me blankly and honestly asked what was happening with Wonder Woman. Comics are a sidelight for her, compared to the used books, so she sometimes doesn't buy many copies of stuff. I understand the logic, but it's still frustrating for browsing/spur of the moment purchases. I decided I'd buy it online if I couldn't hunt it down on my holidays.

So when I came down to Florida to visit my parents, I didn't hold out a lot of hope. They only have B&N and Books a Million and I didn't remember whether they had a regular comics store. I knew there was a place in Orlando, but that was at least an hour away. On our way to the Books a Million we saw a sign -- "Comics & Toys now open!" The Famous Faces & Funnies store had moved to a new location. They had a good selection of comics, trade paperbacks and action figures. If you want manga, stick to the bigger bookstores.

I snatched up the last copy of WW#15 and a Planetary trade. I also came home with two action figures. The first one was the Crisis on Infinite Earths Wave 3: Huntress figure, just as I remember her from the Wonder Woman backups. I also picked up the Dodson Wonder Woman figure. The only one of that set they didn't have was the Diana Prince one. Read that what you will.

A nice and friendly place. I wish it could be a regular haunt.

action figures, huntress, christmas, wonder woman, comic books

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