"I'm honored. Shall we?"

Nov 13, 2007 13:10

A ray of sunshine is hopefully coming this week for Wonder Woman fans. Gail Simone's first issue is debuting tomorrow. Newsarama has a five page preview and an interview. For the first time in awhile, I'm encouraged, even cautiously optimistic. I'm sure that phrase gets tiresome, but well, it's all in the execution. There have been previews I've adored and then gone "Wait? What?" But reading the preview, I recognized this Diana. She looked and sounded like the heroine I'd loved when I was younger. But I want to see the non-fight scene stuff, because what bothered me about Heinberg & Picoult was as much how they handled Diana as Wonder Woman.

I think my WW periods run in three spurts, the pre-Crisis 70s, the Perez 80s and so far the early part of Rucka's run. I haven't bought all of his arcs yet. It's funny. They were easy to find when he was on the title, but they disappeared soon afterwards. I can find trades after trades for Batman and Superman of varying incarnations but finding any WW titles besides the "Greatest WW Stories" or the Encylopedia type books? Very frustrating. Yes, I could order and I eventually will, but buying in the store and taking it home to read is so much better.

wonder woman

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