Cell phone geekery and getting ready for Con

May 21, 2007 15:53

So I'm in the home stretch before going off to Media West con. Thank god! I am so ready for a vacation at this point. I will have the laptop again this year and will be posting both here and my personal journal. I'm only on one panel this year, ironically on Canadian television. I figure I have the crime dramas covered. I'm nowhere close to getting caught up with the DVR unfortunately. I'm still behind on SPN and SGA, but I've stayed remarkably unspoiled. Thank you everyone who uses a lj-cut. Fortunately the Gates are not airing this weekend. I shudder to think how Media West would react to "Sunday".

Last night was the last "Blood Ties" episode on Lifetime until October. Have I mentioned how much I hate these flipping half seasons? They're getting really irritating, especially for smaller shows trying to build momentum.

Btw, if you're a cellphone geek, deeznutz1969 has uploaded a batch of Blood Ties wallpapers for various sized cellphones. If you have Sprint, I've used Rumkin to upload a wallpaper, but they claim it works equally well with other services. For these, I used Pix2fone because they finally added my phone to their list. You can request your model to be added, if all else fails, but it takes awhile. I think your phone needs to be WAP enabled for it to work. Now if I could just figure out ringtones, I'd have a "cool" phone.

blood ties, media west

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