Stuff to do:
ordinarymoments is due soonish, so I guess I should look through my notes and take a crack at it again. The character is one I can handle, but the prompts are harder to use than I initially thought. Or maybe it's just my general annoyance with things SGA is trickling into my writing? Do I go with the post-Sunday angst? My writing snark is slightly off lately. Maybe that's why I've avoided both this and
New fanfic community for "Blood Ties":
bloodtiesfic. I'm a little scared of writing in this verse, mainly because I have so many issues with how the books ended. But considering how she set up the vampires in that verse, it's the only one that made sense. Also someone set up Tanya's Lifetime blog as a LJ feed
And who do I need to blame for sucking me back into the world of Nancy Drew and related girl sleuths? *glares at Havoc and anyone else* I made the mistake of starting at the very beginning -- did you know Nancy had a blonde phase? She became titian haired by a printer's mistake when they gave her hair a reddish cast in one of the covers.