Last dvd of first season "Dark Angel" completed. Very very odd writing for those two episodes I missed. What were middle of episodes felt like endings, not to mention all the funky dream sequences. And the real closure in taking down Manticore didn't happen for another episode, so while there was symmetry, it was just odd. Given my liking for Jack Bristow and Mr. Bennet, it is really any surprise that I found myself being fond of Lydecker by the end of the run.
SGA/SG1 friending meme: Go forth and find new friends or poke old ones. Help the age curve a little? I feel like an Ancient. Here's
my thread for reference.
Still haven't finished my ficathon entry for
angelahodgins, which is due tomorrow. Maybe I can get some work done tomorrow over lunch... assuming our snow is only the light stuff they promised... and no ice.