Dresden Files

Jan 23, 2007 10:17

So I watched the first aired episode of "The Dresden Files". In their finite wisdom, Sci Fi Channel has decided to go with their "strongest" episodes first and show the actual pilot later in the run. Mostly this one stands on its own fine, but in other ways, I felt like I was missing some of the setup. I haven't read the books at all, although I've been curious about them for awhile. From the book fans reaction, that may be a good thing, since everyone is bitching and complaining about what's different or changed or flat out missing. Me, I feel I was dropped into a world without the necessary clarifications here or there. I kept being confused on the whole Council business and whether they're good/evil/neutral. Harry kept trying to circumvent them and his father wasn't too wild about them, so I'm left thinking the one. Of course we were also initially supposed to think the worst of the Ravens, weren't we? I gather Bob is some sort of elemental spirit/ghost thing. For all his theater work, the main place I remember Terrence Mann is as a villainous ballet director on the soap "Another World". I did think the ending was massively anticlimatic/deus ex machina. Here, have a magickal thingamig, bye-bye... I was kinda eh on Murphy, although she's portrayed as mostly competent, just out of her element. I liked Harry's dad. There'll be a longer meta on that later. Someone made a SPN comparison online before I saw this, which meant I kept flashing on the SPN pilot and it sparked something longer in my head about the two dads. There's actually more to contrast than compare. (God why do I feel why I've been dropped back into school?) So once I've rewatched the "Birds of a Feather" flashbacks (or found a transcript online), I'll try to make those thoughts more coherent for the rest of the world.

dresden files

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