My "popcorn nights" have shifted backwards to Thursdays now, rather than Sci Fi Friday. Despite my best intentions, somehow I've wound up watching some of "Smallville", too.
When I first read about the upcoming "Justice League" episode, I was skeptical. I didn't how well it would translate to live action. I can hear the fangirls exploding with glee at the interactions between the boys, especially Cyborg & Aquaman. What's funny is Ollie as the leader and ringmaster. Think about it. Ollie has always been portrayed as the quintessential paranoid Not-a-team-player guy. I guess without Bats around, they have to make adjustments. In JLU, he was even portrayed as a little leery of metas. In this one, he's leading the charge to defend and protect, while Boy Scout stays at home. So much for Big Blue. In a weird way it feels like they've set up Clark as Bats as far as the other heroes are concerned. Chloe standing in Oracle was fun. I swear to god Ollie's Watchtower feels like the old Birds of Prey set, if with an addded bachelor pad feel. I would hope they'd find some way to work in one of the girls. Maybe not Diana, because of the movie, but Dinah or Helena would be fun.
"Playthings", by contrast, was a weird episode for me. The storyline and connections didn't feel quite as smooth as usual. I'm glad we saw the continuation of the search for Ava. It reinforces that she wasn't just another girl of the week. Clearly he hasn't considered the idea she's gone "dark side", but assumes she was kidnapped. Was her car still parked outside? That's a part I can't remember from "Hunted". The Sam/Dean fangirls are going nuts over this episode of course. You couldn't buy fanservice better than that. But I strangely thought they handled it better in first season in "Bugs" and "Something Wicked" with the whole "two queens" joke. Sam getting blasted made no sense. Does he suddenly have the maturity of a twelve year old? Running off in a snit and getting wasted when someone dies? He's been able to take it before now. Of course he had his brother taking up the slack and dragging him along and making sure he handled it. Obviously the Secret has sent him into his own version of a tailspin. Dean went dark and broody and Sam went all mopey. Pity, I was actually learning to like Sam last episode. Not so much this one. Dean had a thing for Daphne? *shakes head* Oh boys, you're such... boys! The stuff with the sisters was creepy as hell, especially the implications for the brothers. Because how well can all this end?