When I wasn't looking, I acquired another fandom. Seriously I only watched the pilot of "Heroes" because it might be interesting. Oops? I love almost all the characters so far. Like everyone, Hiro is an absolute trip. Even the creepier ones intrigue me enough to keep me interested to see where they lead.
ninth_wonders is the "Heroes" newsletter. Apparently NBC has ordered a full season of episodes.
It's interesting to figure out what we think their powers are and then compare them against what has been in
Heroes Powers revealed. I'll admit I didn't quite figure out Peter's abilities. Bad comic geek. There were enough clues if you tracked it back and noticed the connections between the characters. I'll be curious to hear more about the Petrelli brothers and their father and whether his father's condition is related to their powers. If Niki, Isaac, and the ultra creepy Sylar are any indication, these powers do not necessarily bring great mental stability. What was diagnosed as a depressive disorder could have the hero thing manifesting. The Petrelli's mother did say it was genetic after all. Equally curious about Micah's dad. I guessed Micah might have some powers since he's ultra bright and stuff. Maybe he's a Brainaic boy genius type? Niki's storyline is really creepy and feels so different in tone so far from the others. But again, can't wait to see what happens next.