Pledge Day.

Nov 02, 2008 18:16

So every year around this time, the school gathers up all the Concert Choir, Women's Choir, Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra kids and sends them off in packs to go solicit money off the good people of [insert town name here].

Last year kinda sucked 'cause we had about five people in our group and we only ended up getting around $500 for our car. I thought that was good at the time, but dude. This year my group only had four people and we ended up with $1042 for our car. Hahaha, WIN!

It's definitely just because we ended up with the rich part of [insert town name here]. The best house was the one with the intercom. We buzzed it and the lady told us that "We're upstairs. Can you come back in three minutes?" which ended in us laughing our asses off. We came back five minutes later and they didn't even answer the intercom this time. Apparently they weren't done. So we left them an envelope with stuff and I yelled "Have fun with your activities!"
Good times. Good times.

Then the old people kept asking us to sing and we're just like "...come to the concert and you can hear us all together!" AKA Uh, no, dumbshit. I will not sing for you.

Anywho, our car/team better win 'cause we asked a few other groups and some only got $300. The highest of anyone we asked was $800 and we have a damn good $200 advantage over them.

Next year we're apparently going to either Indianapolis or Chicago. Then I had an attack and freaked out over Chicago, 'cause fuck the stupid Indian place. I wanna go to god damn Chicago!
Hey, maybe I can get Chris to do a speaking while we're there for all 500 of us crazy kids. That'd be bitchin' and hilarious 'cause it'd most likely never happen. I don't think talking about penises and punk rock is condoned by my lovely school.

Ew. Theres too much wordness here.
Lack of pictures calls for quick Gerard sketch since I have no other drawing subjects.

I lied. I want the sketch I did to have shading, so it won't be done for a while.


chorus, stuff, boredome, pledge day

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