
Oct 09, 2008 19:37

I'm eating green olives and having a mouth-gasm. Ugh, they're so good.

Okay, so I'm officially in-fucking-love with my guitar amp. It is my new baby and I will treat it like I birthed it myself. I kinda wanna break it, though, so I can go back to Guitar Center and check out the gorg worker dude there. He was so cute. I kept eyeing him up, which must have creeped him out 'cause I'm 16 and he's somewhere around his mid twenties. Why must all the men that don't seem like assholes be 18+? I need to grow up faster!

So, er, my friendy wendy, Zoe, put up the pictures of our trip to Martha's Vineyard over the summer. It's about fucking time.
We went to this statue park with her family while we were there, so I decided to reinact some of the statues. I'm bummed 'cause I look all fat. I, of course, had to get my period while I was there. I honestly don't think I can go to the beach without getting it. Pill.Is.Needed.

Bahaha, oh sheesh. Good times.

Oh, yeah. I humped a baby-house too.

The owners of it probably weren't too pleased, but, come on people. You live in a midget house. Random strangers off the street are obviously gonna do unmoral things to it. Get used to it.

I ran out of olives.

Haha, oh oh oh yeah. My aunt and uncle and other aunt forgot my birthday! My aunt told my uncle and other aunt that it was October 10th, so no one even bothered to call or send a card on my actual real birthday. My aunt called yesterday and was all 'apologetic' and I was about to bitch her out, but, seeing as I want my gift/money, I had to be all "Oh no! It's fine! Don't worry about it!" Sigh.

My mom's sending the letter to the Music Parents people for guitar lesson money. I'm just praying to the god that isn't there that I get the thing. I really badly want this.

I'm in one of those creepy spells where I actually don't bite my nails. I still kinda fuck around with them with my teeth, but they're getting semi-long now! Too bad this'll end once I start being too lazy to put nail polish on them anymore. Then I'll end up with little nubs for fingers as usual. Thrice sigh.

More oh yeahs! I learned the basic melody of Love Reality by Reggie and The Full Effect all up on my guitar. It's easy, but it's cool 'cause I'm able to learn stuff faster now.

Hahaha, I remembered I had a Webkinz account last night and I signed in to check on Bob. I decided to give him a makeover 'cause I had all these WebBucks that I'll never ever use for anything 'cause I'll just forget the site exists. I got him some pretty pimp shit, yo.

Peep the top hat. It's 'cause he was feeling particularily Panic! while I was shopping. It's a shame they didn't have fedoras.

The ads for this Quarintine movie, or whatever, are pissing me off. They're fucking allover and I wanna pop that screaming chick in the face.

I just can tell that I'm gonna end up watching Hellboy at least once a month everyday of my life. God damn, I'm addicted.

Do all these images excite you? Yes, you! You who are probably not reading this 'cause you all have better things to do.

I have to finish my English Freedom Essay. I had today off thanks to the Jews, but tomorrow I actually have to go back, so psh. Thank god it's only editing, and knowing my teacher I'll get a C anyway thanks to his basically impossible grading system. He grades based on what he thinks would sound better, not on what is actually there. I got a B+ on a vocab test because the sentences I put got points off because he thought "because of" would sound better than "due to" and shit of the like. He can suck my balls.


marthas vineyard, hellboy, amp, english, stupid teachers, reggie and the full effect, bob, webkinz, guitar, pansy division, olives

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