LeATHERMOUTH At Vintage Vinyl.

Jan 28, 2009 15:35

So after much begging, whining, pleading, and near-crying, I got my mom to take me and my friend to Vintage Vinyl!

Let's start off when we got there:
We went inside and looked around for the CD so we could get our wristbands, but we couldn't find them, so we asked someone and got them.
I wanted to look around a bit, 'cause the store is seriously awesome. No joke.
When we were around the magazine section or somewhere like that, I asked Zoe to put my wristband on for me and OF COURSE she puts it on so tight that I thought I would need amputating. So while I'm standing there smacking the shit out of her and whining like a bitch, trying to wrestle her and make her pay for my discomfort, like magic Frank just pops up out of no where with some vinyl under his arm. I was still trying to kill my friend, so I didn't really stop what I was doing but I heard someone snort, and considering no one else was around... Frank snorts.
When I was satisfied with her injuries, we still looked around the store, but I didn't buy anything [yet] 'cause I didn't want to have to hold it throughout the show. [We left our CD's in the car.] We walked around and stuff, and I soon realized the band was scattered all around the store. Frank still walking around, calling people. James, laughing and tripping over stuff. Hambone leaning against shit like he was on some 80's movie poster. Ed... not around. Rob being tall and lanky and walking around as tall and lanky people tend to do.
Me and Z were looking in the stupid indie section [ugh, stupid girl] and James, Frank, and employee-of-store were looking at some CD in the 'hc/punk' section, nearby, laughing their asses off at something, so, of course, what kind of creep would I be if I didn't go see what they were looking at once they left? So, I checked and it was this lovely CD of zombie chicks-with-dicks doing eachother...

Then we got bored and decided that it'd probably be a good idea to go wait outside, so we did. And it was cold. I lost my Sharpie which I was pissed about [$1.75 down the drain] 'cause I wanted to entertain myself and draw on shit. We ended up going back into the store at least once more 'cause I was freezing my ass off partially due to my horrible judgement of leaving my jacket with my mom.
Kiera via the S//C's was coming soon and I figured she'd come in the store through the front, so we waited for her in there for a bit where one of the store's employees proceeded to ask me "You're Greg Ginn? Why Greg Ginn?" I told him because I was, and he said "I'm just kidding. Greg Ginn is awesome." And I agreed.
Then we figured we best go and stand in the back with the other people: Some drunk, some MCR-clad, some pointing headlights in my eyes, others quiet and tolerable. I proceeded to sing random things and say 'and the others in his pants' and 'uh-OH' a lot. I got accused of breaking a broken box[?]. Me and Zoe sang 'Train In Vain' to Kiera. She liked it so much she asked me to make a demo for her so she could listen to it everyday for the rest of her life. Right, Kiera?
Finally at 6:50pm they let our cold asses into the building. The state of my toe's weren't nearly as bad as they were while in line for the MSI show in December, so that was all good.
We passed the security, brandishing our wristbands. My hand was probably a nice shade of purple by that time.
We ran in and I ended up behind the camera that was set up. The stage was pretty far away from what I thought it would be, but they like, gated off all around the stage. The effects of this gating to be talked about later.
So, we get our booties settled and wait a few minutes at most for the band to come on. They do. Frank says [All quotes are rought rememberances, not exact] "Hello! Whoa there are a lot of people tonight." He says stuff like that until he is demanded to sing and get on with it 'you little shit'. So he does!
They start off with 5th Period Massacre.

image Click to view

After that song was over... they played another!
Not gonna lie, I can't remember the order or when he said specfic shit, but i do remember some stuff.
And here's another video for slaps and giggles:

image Click to view

And another!

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Random Basic-Idea-Of-What-He-Said-Quotes:
"Sunsets is our next song and it's my favorite [I don't know if he said his favorite or ONE of his favorites, so don't quote me on that] that we wrote. It's about being normal and what people think normal is and people trying to get you to be what they think is normal." That's the general gist of what he was saying, hopefully.
"The next song is 'Catch Me If You Can' and the lyrics are from letters that Jack The Ripper sent."
He said 'thank you' after every song.
Early in the set basses had to be switched so Rob told Frank to 'STALL!'
"I love doing this and I love playing with my friends and you guys being here insures that I'm going to be doing this forever."
[I know I'm massacreing all of these quotes, but if anyone has videos of him saying any of these, I'll fix them accordingly as the videos are surfaced.]
"Um, this first song we're gonna play is called 5th Period Massacre and it goes out to all the ladies."
"[After Frank repeatedly stood on top of a CD rack thing so he could get closer to the crowd.]"i'm sorry if i broke anything, i didn't think about that. im sorry... shit. Aw man, listen. Uh, the total opposite of what I just did; Respect this record store. It's an independant record store. Uh, seriously I'm sorry if I broke anything... I'll... I'll wash dishes if you want. But seriously, it's great to have record stores that still sell vinyl cause you can go out and support a local band, or anybody that's being sold in the store. And it's a great thing. In this digital age when everythings at our finger tips and no body actually knows eachother, you can actually go out and buy a record and that means something and it's really cool, so let's hear it for Vintage Vinyl." Round of applause for the store insued.
Someone asked what happened to the mustache and Frank said "It grew into a beard!"
Some girls told him that "If you don't like America than go home" or something like that and he was like "Hahaha wow."
I took some pictures of the show which can be seen under this fabulous cut. Well, if the cut works for me, you can see it...:

Zoe took some picture too [but they suck 'cause she's not smart enough to know how to work her own camera, MWAHAHA]:

After the show was over, they were all of the sudden like SURPRISE SIGNING, EVERYONE LINE UP. Or... at least it was a surprise to me, 'cause I only heard a murmer that there would be one but I didn't think they'd actually followthrough with it.
So, me, Zoe, and the Kiera waited in line [we were around the middleish] and me and Zoe [or more me] panicked 'cause I left my CD in the car due to lazyness and not wanting to hold it, so I had no idea what to have him sign. I began seriously considering having them sign a Kenny Rodgers CD and then buying it afterword, but I dismissed that quickly and just had them sign my shirt. Thank Bob I decided to wear like 4 layers that day. I debated on whether or not to give Hambone my full name or nickname. I spelled it out and 'Frannie' came out of my mouth, so Frannie it was. They signed ze t-shirt:

I didn't get to talk to James since he signed my shirt the same time as Rob and then moved on, but I did get to talk to Frank who was nicey nice [as expected] and he shook my hand, said 'Thank you for coming out to the show' and 'I was so bummed you were so far back'. I said 'Yeah, me too.' and then asked for a picture to which he replied 'Yeah, sure!' I waited for Zoe to go down the line-of-dudes so she could take one and I could take one for her and then one of Kiera. Don't know how it happened, but at one point I ended up needing to tell Kiera something and she was busy so I just rudely interupted her while she was talking to the guys and sang her name repeatedly to her [singing was a major theme that night for me] and Frank was just waiting for us to take pictures with him, so he gave me some kind of 'lol wtf' look for my Kiera-song. When all three of us were done, we all got our pictures. Kiera and Zoe looked awesome in them and I looked like shit, but whatevs. I'll show you anyway. For reference, I was trying not to crack up and start laughing my ass off. I don't know why I was going to start laughing, 'cause there was nothing funny about the situation... oh well:

Then after I got a picture with Frank, which was awesome, but I sooo wanted to get one with the whole band or at least James and Frank since they were located so conveniently next to eachother. Plus, I love how they were creeps and looked, so technically I did get a picture with all three of them... technically.
Then I hugged Frank. "Can I hug you?" "Yeah, sure!"
After that the mean security took my wristband which I was depressed about, but soon after recovered 'cause I felt like shopping. I bought a Reggie CD [!!!], a Weird NJ mag, and Green Apple Jones Soda [Mmmmm...].
Then my mom randomly came in so she could fangirl over Frank. She then insulted him saying "Oh my god that isn't who I pictured at all... He's so round." I hit her and called her a bitch and she said she didn't mean he was fat, his face was just rounder than she thought and he had a beard and all that jazz. Yeah... right.
And then we left.
The end.

pictures, james, leathermouth, reggie and the full effect, shopping, hambone, vintage vinyl, bitchslicer, jones soda, frank, rob

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