September 12th. LeATHERMOUTH&Reggie At Starland.

Sep 24, 2008 20:59

Sept. 12th, 2008.

Haha, oops. I'm a bit late [just a bit], and I hope I remember everything, but here's the review anyway [and some pictures which are probably more worth looking at then actually reading the review because I forgot a lot].
Okay, let's start this thang off.
Recap of what happened before actually getting to the venue:
  • School
  • Brought friend home
  • Jenni's friend called saying that they were lost in fucking Newark for the past hour
  • Getting them directions
  • Boring friend with pictures of Hitler Frank and half-naked James
  • Having them come to my house
  • Them bounding up the stairs to my house screaming for a bathroom
  • Me not ready
  • Pulling whatever I could find laying around my room on
  • Saving my dog from freezing to death in the rain
  • People awwing over my dog and yelling at me for being 'careless'
  • Leaving friend to fend for herself in the rain
  • Leaving my house
  • Getting lost within ten minutes of leaving my house
  • Getting lost in Irvington for a good hour
  • Spotting over 5 Chicken and Pizza places in Irvington while driving down the main street
  • Saying some racist things that I don't regret because, for the majority, they're true [these included waffles and watermelon]
  • Driving around aimlessly
  • Asking a chick for directions
  • Panicing about missing LeATHERMOUTH
  • Following said chick to some god forsaken traffic-ridden highway
  • Following that highway
  • Getting lost again
  • Finding some secluded hick-road
  • Finding the venue
  • Getting yelled at my some old man who wanted to take our tickets away instead of the parking passes
  • Leg-stretching
We get into the venue, end up losing one of Jenni's friend's for a good twenty minutes and while walking around trying to find her, I spot Frank being [gasp] a normal person near the bar of the venue and watching the first opening act. so I tell Jenni's other friend who promptly starts almost hyperventillating.
Of course, the second I whisper this to her, a group of no less than four tiny girls in MCR shirts drag eachother over to him and stand infront of him. I find this next part to be particularily amusing.
So, you know when people stand infront of you, you usually acknowlege them? Just even a little glance in their general direction? Yeah. That's not what these girls got. *insert evil giggle* They go up and stand infront of Frank, probably expecting him to look down at them or just do something, but he doesn't do anything! Hahahaha! He doesn't even like... twitch! So, finally realizing that he's sure as hell not gonna be the one to initiate any greetings, the girls kinda... poke his shoulder and he snaps his head down. The girls are all "HI! PICTURE!?" And, being the tolerating, nice man he is, he agrees and gets that over with. Then they leave. This dude, probably age 13 or so, drags his younger sister[?] person literally by the arm to Frank where they hug, say hi, awkwardly stand, and move on. About two more fangirl/boys in MCR shirts later, Frank, as any normal human would, decides to relocate to the side of the stage where some nice, large, and particularily buff security men are standing. I laughed to myself.

Before, when we had first walked into the venue I noticed someone I recognized who walked in before us and here is the story that I wrote in a previous blog. I'm too lazy to retell it so here it is:
"Me and a few other friends were on our bi-anual school trip to Boston, Mass. and while taking a lap around Quincy Market, we found this awesome band called Seeking Through Silence
. They were doing a. acoustic street performance out in the middle of the place and we just sat down and listened. Then they said they're from Jersey and we're like "Fuck no! We're from Jersey too!" So we bonded and made them our buds and now we luff them greatly.
Also, randomly Kate was singing backup in this band called The Champagne Charade
 for a night. That band was opening for Reggie and The Full Effect along with LeATHERMOUTH at Starland last Friday! I saw Nick [Seeking's bassist] and wasn't sure if I was just haloucinating or not and then I saw Kate and flipped the shit. I found her after they played and we spazzed out together. Good times... good times.
So, yeah. They're awesome. 'Specially Kate. Love that girl. And she makes really good hair choices, too, so that's always good. New haircut every time I've seen her."

I hope none of that got effed up. I'm so not into reading it.

So, Warhip came on before LeATHERMOUTH, and let me say, I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't think I'd like them, but they were actually quite good. I got like, two pictures of them...


Next LeATHERMOUTH came on. I got some picture of them setting up their equipment.


[God dammit, LJ is pissing me the fuck off right now. LOAD ALREADY.]

And then LeATHERMOUTH begins! WEEEEE!
Do you want pictures or words first? Pictures? Okay. Good. I want to get that shit overwith 'cause LJ won't do what I want it to.



A few happenings during the L//M set in no particular order... maybe:
  • They covered Mommy Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight by Ze Misfits. Frank said something along the lines of "Yeah... we were doin', uh... a Misfits cover, the first couple of shows this tour. And, uh, can you believe that half the kids with Misfits tshirts on don't know who the Misfits are? *facepalm* What the fuck is wrong with the internet generation? Jesus Christ! Fuckin'... all eat shit and die. Alright... you wanna hear that? Mommmmy? Can I go out and kill tonight?!" That is bullshit! Who doesn't know who they are!? Crazy, uninformed people. That's who. In the words of some over-testosteroned man, you can "all eat shit and die".
  • Frank said that James thought Long Island [I think thats where] was the best show of the tour, but NJ is definitely better. James agreed by the end of the night.
  • Frank said how much he loved NJ and how he'd never leave it, thus prompting the NJ crowd to "WOOOOO!"
  • Right before I Want to Kill..., Frank rambled on about the state of the government today which, of course, promted a nice "Fuck Bush!" chant. It was nice. I joined in.
  • Sometime during the set Frank said something like "It's great that you guys are out here, living your lives, instead of behind the computer posting some bullshit on a message board!" Oh, Frank. If only you knew what we did after that concert! *heads straight to the tour review threads* Something like that... yeah.
  • Frank said "We're gonna play, for the last song, the first song we ever wrote!" Then BodySnatchers came on. I was so tempted to just go "RAWWWWWWWWWWW!" just to be remeniscent of Invasion of The Body Snatchers, but my throat was already gone so it woulda just ended up sounding like I was trying to cheer, but my voice was cracking.
  • Oh yeah, Frank shot water at Bobby and he wasn't expecting it so he got all smiley and looked like he was about to attack Frank.
Not too much was said during the set, but I did happen to notice Mrs. Iero standing on the side of the stage. She was so cute! She even bopped a few times to her hubbie's "AHHHHHHH"ing! I wonder what she thinks of his whole... lack of shaving thing he's got going on...
Then, of course, there was Mikeyway and Alicia Way. They were chilling on the side too, Mikey also doing the occasional bop, but the rest of the time they just sorta... stared. That's exactly what I would expect Mikey to do, so I'm not all "WHY DIDN'T HE DANCE!??!1" or some bull like that. Then sometimes they just... left and went to some other room in the depths of the Starlands.

Then MC Chris came on. Lolz. I would post some semi-long thing about it that I posted on the Skeleton Crew boards, but it got erased because I don't like to stay on topic a lot, and I tend to post things in the wrong place thus ending in an apology along the lines of "my b".
So, this is what happened in short:
MC Chris comes on.
Jenni's friend likes at first.
First few songs are okay.
One song came on with intense bass.
Jenni's friend screams "LOWER THE FUCKING BASS!"
I think thats unreasonable, but keep silent.
MC Chris says "Do you all think I should listen to this little girl and lower the bass?"
Crowd boo's.
Jenni gives him the finger.
MC Chris says "What? Fuck me?"
Jenni nods.
MC Chris says "Well, at least I'm not stalking Frank! His fans are scary. They're like ninjas. They hide in sewers and are like 'Oh, Franks not here? ...okay. I'll be back in 15 minutes.'"
Crowd goes all smiley and laughy.
Various insults are thrown MC Chris' way via Jenni&friend's, but Chris being the one with the mic, ignorvouz them and proceeds with songs about fucking strippers, candy, and other things that I forget about.
No pictures taken. Too entertained by fight.

Reggie comes on!
James runs out onstage in his beautiful Easy-E shirt, starting off with Mood 4 Luv. Then he strips! He strips! Go figure!?
He finishes Mood 4 Luv.The rest of the band comes on, prepared to rock out. Forget the order of songs they played and which ones they did, but here are some pictures first. I didn't get a lot because my friend, who's camera I was borrowing, wasn't charged. Lame.
Pictures. Here. Now:


Hey, whoa! It's Reggie and The Full Effect quote/event time! Here we gooooo:
  • In the beginning, after the rest of the band came out, James said something like, "God these pants are uncomfortable. Women's long underwear. I mean, these are probably comfortable for you girls out there... 'cause you don't have a penis... I have balls!" And he did it all while grabbing at his junk!
  • He bent over for a good minute, showing us the back-view of what he's working with.
  • He admitted that us New Jersians completely PWN Long Islanders in the crowd area. Hah. Owned.
  • He told this story: "So, after this show we played, some girl left a post-it on the bus and it said 'Why do you assume the Loch Ness is a boy? It could be a girl.' and she left her email address. So, I emailed her back like 'Bitch... how do you know it's a girl? Do you see a vagina!? I don't!' I mean, maybe the Loch Ness is... asexual... like Morrissey... Just swimming around. Making songs."
  • Imagine Frank laughing and shaking his head while James tells all these stories mentioned above and others to come. It's quite entertaining.
  • Another story from the closet of James: "So... I haven't told anyone this story 'cause it's really embarassing, but I'll tell you guys. So, I was a little kid, like 10, and it was a few days before The Lost Boys was coming out and my mom was gonna let me go see them, so I was really excited. So, I was making like grilled cheese or something and I'm watching The Twilight Zone or something and I start feeling this thing in my chest. It doesn't go away so I start freaking out. I ran to my mom and was like 'Mommy! I think theres an alien in my chest!' She goes 'Oh, thats silly.' And I'm like 'No, mom, no! There really is an alien in my chest and it's gonna come out!' So she goes, 'I don't think I want you going to see The Lost Boys if you're going to do this!' So I said, "No! I'm not making it up! Just wait! Wait until this alien thing comes out of my chest and I'll die and it'll be all your fault 'cause you didn't believe me!' So, an alien never came out of my chest."
  • He said that they played the Long Island show at a place about a block from where he lived and he showed up and they're like "Uhh... where's you're ticket?" And he's like "...I'm in the band." and they didn't believe him.
  • He told everyone that since Mikeyway was in the building, he was going to play and dedicate is favorite song, From Me To You [I think it was] to him. Turns out after the song is over, Mikey wasn't even there. He was upstairs chilling. James screams really loudly into the mic, "You better be up there playing with the fucking dogs!" Frank just laughs and shakes his head.
  • Reggie covered Raining Blood by Slayer.
  • They did a wondyfull Slayer Pantera cover [right?] and the drummer for Reggie was the singer of Warship. James was like "Do you know that one? Haha!" The dude just shrugged and laughed... and they played it. Okay, so... *breathes* Fran [hehe, it's me], the lead of Warship, was asked if he knows how to play V Train, a Reggie song. And then he said, "Do you know that one? Haha!" The dude just shrugged and laughed... and they played it.
  • OH YEAH! I almost forgot this one. Once he took off the Eazy-E shirt and shorts and wig, he was wearing a D.A.R.E. shirt [lol, D.A.R.E. was at my school on Monday to tell us that cops are good and weed is bad] so he goes, "Do you believe this bullshit? Do you really think when you see the hottest girl in school smokin' a joint you're gonna have a trouble deciding what you want more? 'Do I want sex... or this shirt....? Sex... or this shirt...? Sex? Or the shirt?' No duh you're gonna pick the fucking sex! Just, everyone, do what you want to do. Try stuff out. If you don't like it, no one says you have to do it again."
  • Also, James talked about NJ and it's 'mysterious geography'. James goes, "So where the fuck are we? I've played here before like three times and I still have no clue where the fuck we are... All I know is that we're somewhere between Philadelphia and Frank's house." Then he turns to Frank and asks, "Frank, do you know where the fuck we are?" So Frank goes, "....South Jersey, dude." And James just laughs like that meant something to him. Haha, twas awesome.
  • When James was talking about how much he loves the Jersey crowds, I screamed "MOVE HERE" really loudly and I saw Frank look over and laugh. Happy moment.
  • And James, being my homeboy, insulted Cute Is What We Aim For by saying something like "They won't be a real band until their bassist has slept with another boy." Frank's head just kinda shot up [him being the bassist of Reggie and all] and he smiled. Hahaha, I wonder what Mikey thought of this? Too bad no one could see his facial expression. He was too busy upstairs screwing James' dogs.
And that is basically all I can remember. The show just got better when Common Denominator [or Fluxuation. I seriously have no idea] came out to play Dwarf Invasion and rock the shit outta our souls. The mullet-wigs did help quite nicely.
I only got one [not-so-good-but-good-enough-for-me] picture because, by this point the battery was beyond deadums:

Then, we waited outside for any bandmembers to come out. Not too many did, and Jenni had to get to classes early, not to mention drop me off, so we ended up leaving. No one came out anyway, I don't think.
My mom called on the way home, conveniently as Jenni, the worst driver ever, decided to take the wrong exit, and not willing to get lost, drives off the road, off some curb, onto the main highway again. Cue the whole car to start cracking up while my mom asks what's going on.
Unbelievabely we got home alive. Me to my Jersey home and them to their... NY ones.

So, that is the end of my review. I needa go shower and finish my shit load of missed homework.

Oh yeah, if you guys can do me a favor and ask me if you wanna use my pictures for anything, that'd be awesome. I tried to figure out how to batch-watermark them, but it was taking too long and kept getting fucked up, so I just didn't bother. I'm taking a risk, seeing as my other stuff usually gets reposted other places, but, hey, I guess thats how it goes when you post things in a public forum. It'd just be cool if you'd ask. Thanks babies!


Edits: Thank you, Wertica for the Pantera and Frank-Misfits quote info. *squeeze*
Thank you, soulascending for being a correcty person and informing me about Fluxuation, Raining Blood, and Fran... the drummer of Warship. AKA myself.

bras, twilight zone, girls underwear, the lost boys, frank, jamia iero, warship, dewees, lots of other stuff, mikeyway, leathermouth, mc chris, james, reggie and the full effect, alicia way, aliens, iero

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