(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 16:43

That is it! I am sick of Twilight! I fucking hate whoever wrote that shit! Everywhere I go all the damn 'preppy' kids and everyone else all think they're so god damn badass 'cause they're reading about a vampire and other people don't think it's creepy! Well, FUCK! Go read fucking Salem's Lot! That's a real damn vampire book! Not this stupid "Oh mah gawd, vampires are so romantic. I just wanna like dooo themmm allll." shit! NO.
MEHHHHHHHH, this is frustrating.

And then Gerard is [probably] going forth with the stupid Umbrella Academy movie. How about no!? Too soon! Stop getting caught up in it, you little bitch, or I'm flying to bumfuck California, raping your wife, and kicking you in the fucking nuts!
But, on the bright side, The Umbrella Academy issue #1 of series 2 is coming out on Nov. 26th. That makes me happeh. Thanks, Gerard, for doing something right.

I'm so pumped for Thanksgiving. Turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy... I mean... MMMM. I eat that shit like everyday, but it's soooo goood. Only problem is I have to go to my shitty uncle&aunt's house for it and I hate them all with a passion. I better get my 'present' my other aunt told me she'd give me for my birthday, 'cause she's the one who forgot it in the first place. Way to go, superfamily.

I have to babysit tonight which I'm actually perfectly fine with. I need money and fuck real jobs. I needa save so I can hit up the merch stands at the MSI/LM show which is in... uhh... 14 days! Still too long, but WOOOO.

My face is dry. S'the only reason I hate the cold. Dry skin is not needed nor wanted. What did cave people do? Just chap to death or something? How much of pansys have we all become? Oh technology how you have softened us.

I have extreme cleavage at the moment 'cause I'm wearing a push-up bra and a normal sports bra at the same time. LYKE, SUPER SUPPORT HEH!!!!11

This post needs a graphic, flail flail.

WOOOO! I just got the mail and I got a $300 grant thingy for guitar lessons! Whoop whoop!

I have no ideas for pictures to put here. I'll search my 'random' folder and see whats in there.

This... is Chris Crocker... why is he such a hot chick? C-Can someone please explain this to me?

I give you, ladies and gentlemen, Quinn Allman.
Actually I'm a complete liar. I took this a while ago, but it's in my random picture soo... here it is. He was this waiter working at this [disgusting] German restauraunt and I was like "Oh, shit. He looks like Quinn!" And I spent the whole dinner trying to get pics of him 'inconspicuously' and I got like three, but not of them were that good. This is the best one I got. It is Quinn. There's no way it isn't.

I'm too lazy to look for anymore pics and I'm starving... and I needa babysit in an hour and a half.


lotion, gravy, etc., gerard way, umbrella academy, quinn allman, bras, mashed potatoes, chris crocker, lessons, salems lot, goodness, leathermouth, skin, mindless self indulgence, thanksgiving, stupid twilight, guitar, turkey

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