Well, another Christmas has come and gone, and fast approaching is the passing of another year.
I didn't want to end up in this kind of situation, but I've ended up spending over $4000 on Christmas presents and related giftery this year - and it's absolutely ridiculous.
As a count, I've spent perhaps $400 on people I care about to a large degree, $200 on people I care about to a mediocre degree, and $50 on people that don't matter to me one way or another. And then I spent just over $3500 on a family-related 'gift'.
My opinion on the situation is that, as a person of twenty years of age, it should not be my job to take care of my sires. And, given that I haven't fucked up my life by having my own kids, I don't deserve to be screwed in the mouth by this sort of thing. The sad reality is that my parents have somehow gotten it into their heads that having a steady job somehow means I'm willing to pay the bills for things they take on but can't actually handle.
I've always been of the opinion that failure is a good indication that you don't know what you're doing, and need to re-assess yourself. I've always always been of the opinion that, in general, you don't deserve to be bailed out of mistakes that you don't learn from. I'm open to negotiations on literally everything in my life, but when a deserving argument isn't even presented, it just makes me shake my head in disgust.
Let it be known that this is the last year I bail you out when you don't deserve my help. Make good use of these last few days, every last one of you.
On a brighter side, I've found a decent solution to my recent desire to display the more entertaining moments in my career as a thieving, treacherous devil - translation being: I never thought I would do it, but I was coerced into creating a DeviantArt account.
I'll be using it as a medium to expose all the little things I wish people could see, by way of screenshots. I've got enough stock laying around to do thousands of updates already from my old text-based days, but I think the better way to approach this will be to limit the start of it to only recent happenings. In any event, for anyone interested:
http://waador.deviantart.com/ It comes complete with my first piece, 'A Very Gnomish Christmas'.
To anyone I haven't had the chance to see or speak to over the season, I probably have a gift for you, with the exception of the people I don't like, and those who I don't think I'll ever actually see or speak to in the near future. You probably all know who you are.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and if you want to borrow money I suggest you ask to borrow my car instead.