Jan 17, 2006 21:28
Well, the movie was amazing. I loved the books and the movie was just a great, nothing left out that I can think of. The battle scene was mind blowing. Peter was was too cute and pretty. I wasn't to sure about Aslan's voice. Now to the good stuff...I HAVE A BOYFRIEND!! *squee* *fits of giggles* Okay I feel like a giddy school girl. Amanda is getting a plaque anouncing that she is the best match maker in all CWU. With signatures from me, Lee, Robert, and Taylor. Ugh, now we just got to get her with someone. Thursday we are gonna go to dinner and then see Bach or "Dido and Aeneas" in my Music 102 class, we have these concert things once a week. I feel shiny!
-Lisa H.