So, another semester at MJC ends, and thank god for that. Now I can take a proper break from obscene amount of cramming that comes with finals. I know I did well in Anthropology 101 (both lecture and lab) and Geography 101, but those classes are largely forgetful. However, I'm particularly pleased with my progress and level of achievement in my Figure Drawing class. I can honestly say I learned a lot from this class. I also know that I will look back on previous drawings from years back and cringe in disgust from my hideous body proportions. But such is the hallmark of artistic improvement. what shall I do with my summer break?
Well, I have to study up for my math assessment test, so I can get my math prerequisite out of the way x.x but that won't take up too much time.
I need to throw myself into my Japanese studies this time around, actually come up with a schedule or something.
ALSO, guitar. Serious skill-grinding must be done. Try and play in a different key everyday, memorizing the scales.
At some point during the summer I should be heading down to Berkley to check out the UC there, but...really, if I'm being honest with myself, mostly I just want to pillage Amoeba and Rasputin's. I will come back with a Block-o-Music, and life will be fucking sweet. And I'm sure the campus will be nice too. From what I hear.
I also need to make time for the gym. A good idea.
I'm out of ideas, so I'll leave you with this:
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Goodnight, my gentle snowflakes.