Happy Birthday to ME!!!!

Oct 16, 2009 00:06

Maa... I'm one step closer to become an old lady LOL .

Other than that, I don't feel anything special on this birthday.
Maybe because I won't get a birthday party on my birthday, Friday is a working day & my friends are all busy.

Still I'm happy that a close friend of mine called me all the way from Japan to wish me happy birthday ^^ . Actually he didn't say the "happy birthday" words, he just went around the topic asking how I feel & what I want to do when becoming one year older. But that's how he is, acting like he doesn't care but in fact he just doesn't like to show affection directly :P .
Thanks a lot buddy!!! It's nice knowing that going to Japan hadn't changed you even just a bit, also that you still think about me, your close friend, even though you managed to find yourself a girlfriend in Japan. Though that doesn't mean I let you off with the present matter XDDD . You'd better bring back something NICE for me when you come back from Japan next year.

I suddenly remember a jweb post of Tegoshi.

I definitely don't want to lose the child's heart in me.

Therefore, in future I will work hard to become a splendid adult with a child's heart!

Those were what he wrote.
I don't want to lose my child's heart either even if I'm an adult (I've been an adult for the exact 2 years for now actually). Because I think if a heart can preserve its childlike part, you can see the days pass by with less worry & you can enjoy many simple happiness of this life in a fuller way.

My wish for birthday is for Dream Boys 2009 to be released on DVD since people said there has been no camera filming in all of the past shows.

me, birthday

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