Apr 26, 2011 20:00
Hey guys, I hope you are all well. I know I didn't comment much during the last two weeks, as I promised, but I did read all of your amazing posts while I was away.
I had an amazing time in Florida, the theme parks were as fun and as brilliant as ever, the weather was gorgeous and despite some minor issues (throwing up on the departing and return flight spring to mind) the holiday was an overwhelming success.
I must confess, I touched down in the UK on Friday morning, but after an exhausting night-flight of retching and no sleep, I didn't feel up to much Friday, so I silently sat back and read LJ posts and watched Harry Potter 7.1, which I bought as soon as I got back!
Saturday consisted of the traditional Easter egg decorating that our family do, and I spent the day making white-tac dreadlocks and painting them for my Jack Sparrow egg (picture to follow, perhaps...) and Sunday saw my hours of effort painting, rolling and gluing being launched down a hill, for the annual egg roll. I managed to win "best decorated"... including an amazing trophy I had made on Saturday... out of a rock. (I made the trophy before we'd voted, I don't just make trophies for myself, I'm not that sad *cough*)
And today I went back to school... joy. I've only got until Friday 27th May, mind, and then I'm never going back! Why do I have to grow up?!
This post was mostly just to share the reasons of my recent quiet spell, and with a five day weekend starting Thursday (Royal Wedding!!!) I home to cram a fair bit of Simming in and get the ol' LiveJournal active again!
real life