Film 2013

Jan 03, 2013 15:29

On January 1st 2013, I decided New Year's Resolutions weren't for me. I'm not saying I'm perfect and there's nothing I need to change (far from it!) but I hate the whole cliché of a resolution and I know I'd just end up breaking it by January 2nd.

So I decided to do a challenge instead... It came to my attention over the Christmas period that I hadn't seen a great deal of the movies that my friends and family were talking about, and a few recent trips to the cinema (to see Skyfall and Jack Reacher) have really reawakened a love of film. As such, my challenge for 2013 is to watch at least 50 films I've never seen before. This includes new releases, cinema classics or just random films I find when channel hopping or checking out friends' DVD collections. As long as it's not something I've seen before, it's in.

This post will be updated throughout the year, with maybe a little review at the end of each month to check on my progress. If you've got any suggestions for films (old or new) I simply must watch, leave your suggestions here. Happy New Year!

Watched: 9/50

1. The Princess and the Frog (2009) - TV (1st Jan)
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - TV (3rd Jan)
3. GoodFellas (1990) - TV (5th Jan)
4. Bolt (2008) - TV (7th Jan)
5. The House Bunny (2008) - TV (20th Jan)
6. The Devil Wears Prada (2006) - DVD (2nd Feb)
7. Armageddon (1998) - TV (5th Mar)
8. RED (2010) - TV (4th Apr)
9. The King's Speech (2010) - TV (7th April)

nonsims, film 2013

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