So the day is about to arrive soon and my poor underbite and I have a mere 8 hours to enjoy each others company before it well... Gets a controlled fracture along with a maxillary set back for my upper teeth.
Because I'm extremely determined to keep this log updated and detailed- here's what it feels like the night before...
I'm scared and I suppose that is to be expected given that the changes aren't all that insignificant and well... It's my face. I'm certain that if my underbite were a lot worse and led me to becoming the target of bullying or nasty name calling - I'd probably be he'll excited for surgery day to arrive. Unfortunately, I've never thought I looked perfect but at the same time I've always been happy with my lot in life.. So i don't feel the same excitement or anticipation as a poor soul with major class 3 jaw who's Been wearing braces for the last 2 years in anticipation of this surgery.
Quite unlike the group aforementioned, I've never been unhappy with my face (yah sure. I can't do the prune smile but that hasn't really dealt me a setback in life yet), I'm headed for surgery first orthognathic correction which means I haven't toiled through the woes of braces for the last 2 years and last... Unlike many of them. This decision was comparatively abrupt - the idea being reinforced in my mind in May this year despite me being notified in 2005.2007 and 2009... And not having done anything about... And I made the decision pretty early on and set the date in stone in mid July.
My parents think I'm terribly brave for how I've dealt with it so far and my general calmness towards it all. I think I've managed to keep my cool because my experiences with watching my grandparents, uncles and marks mum's medical procedures and the pain they undergo have taught me that whinging about a surgery like mine compared to what they went through or what thousands go through every day is really quite pathetic in comparison.
To add to it all, I've been supremely blessed to be surrounded by people who love me and have been insanely supportive throughout the past few months. My parents, Family and of course friends who have made time to meet me and shower me with food and/or goodies. I really want to blog about that but I shall save it for tomorrow when I'm bored out of my mind after the GA wears off... And well... I'll look like a really swollen fishball.
It's really time for me to sleep and when I awake I know we're headed to the hospital - gotta be there by 5.50am and I know that, unknowingly, time will start to pass really quickly from there on and before I know it... I'll be awake in a recovery room with a bloody and sore jaw and a face the size of My room.
Thanks for everything everyone! And here goes nothing!!
Please do keep me in your prayers!!
Signing off with one of
My last few photos of
My class III jaw!