Happenings x surgery first orthognathic approach

Aug 14, 2013 21:55

So I'm back at the airport, 44 hours after I arrived home from my most recent trip down under but this time to send someone off and am unfortunately not hopping onto a plane myself.

In many ways, I can't wait to start work - mainly because I'm tragically broke and one day of eating out = me staying home for 2 days and packing food with me should I go out so that I minimize as much expenditure as possible. Yet at the same time, I feel extremely woeful that my jet-setting lifestyle will soon come to an end with work constraints :'(. I don't think it's much of a secret that my parents have spoilt me silly with the luxury of traveling whenever I could and it probably comes as no surprise to everyone that I've spent all, down to the cents, of my savings on my multiple trips overseas.. and I am somewhat prepared to start work with my head hung low with little money to my name.

Of the numerous trips I've gone on, the latest one down under is possibly the most eventful one yet despite it also being the shortest trip I've taken in a while. We surprised sam with our presence at her surprise engagement. We were greeted with exclamations of "OMG OMG", "MY HAIR IS OILY STOP TAKING PHOTOS" and "I HAVE NO BLUSHER ON"... We also feasted on amazing pork belly made by T's parents, took our first extended family photo (sans Oli who's way up in Roma) and spent hours on end with each other, something which drove me crazy but also made this trip all the better.

Congratulations to my beautiful sister and Tuan who never fails to treat me like his own baby sister!!

This picture would be perfect if Oli and Buds were in it.. unfortunately the world isn't small enough for travel to be that much easier :'(... why hasn't teleporting been invented yet?
(also bubbles looks highly unimpressed)

Home made Sio Bahk.. I'm not sure if roast meat can get better than that :P

Freshly made bread out of the oven (by sammii)

People who never fail to spoil me silly

Discovered Little Tommy Tucker at Bentleigh... seriously, as if I needed more reasons to fall in love with my sister's place

love you all

Pictures and recap of my latest trip aside...
The countdown has begun! refer: http://w-iredblind.livejournal.com/58461.html (back when I was a whiney spoilt little shit and whined countlessly on this page)

Three years later.. my class three jaw still exists and for that matter it has gotten worse (cue weeping) .. so any hopes I had of escaping braces/ surgery sort of died when my recent visit to the dentist (who's a lovely family friend who is truly the best dentist in the world - my sister and dad have a severe phobia of dentists and she's the only one who can deal with their horrendous teeth x this same woman helped do my grand dad's teeth before he passed on while refusing to accpet any money from us.. and the things she's done for my family exists on a list that never ends) concluded with the horrendous news that my bite has gotten worse, jaw worse.. and well.. I was looking at a future of premature tooth decay because my jaw hinders my and my dentist's ability to clean my back molars properly + i eat with all the wrong teeth so I'm wearing out my good ones with every bite i take (and we all know i take a fair amount of bites)

Options as such:
Surgery with braces v. premature dentures in my late 30s

Because my sister and dad have had bad bad bad experiences with dental problems and their subsequent crowning etc procedures have cost them a bomb + the pain of bad teeth is horrendous --we concluded that i might as well do the surgery while I'm younger with no work obligations and arduous task of taking a month off from work to recover from surgery.

So the countdown begins.. surgery x 1.5 years of braces here I come!

I'm extremely nervous and scared since I have never really had much of an issue with how I look - yeah sure, I know my smile looks creepy as all hell close up because of how my jaw and teeth stick out + how my upper teeth splay forward (bec ause they needed to meet the outward moving lower set of teeth) but I've never entertained thoughts of plastic surgery and I guess I've always told myself to be thankful that I still had somewhat of a bite and a half decent smile... So I'm really worried about looking different and having to see a different face all together.

sorry for dragging your face into this nicolye.. but here's an idea of what the problem is
see! my smile is really creepy up close.. and as u can tell, my bite is nearly non existent

THis is from last year.. and you can sorta see it as well

yeah.. It's pretty obvious here too
although mark looks.. kinda weird here so it distracts the viewer away from my questionable teeth ahahahha

and this is now.. as I sit at yakun waiting for people to arrive.. I get judged by everyone around me for taking a weirdass photo to post up on livejournal
FYI.. if you have a normal jaw, your lower set of teeth is probably behind your upper set of teeth if you're wondering why on earth I'm posting up all these hideous photos of myself

chiobukorean joy on my right, you can see a bit of her lower set of teeth which is behind her upper set.. sher's one is perfect too.. but they're not showing
(fyi, instead of being nice and sympathetic when I told joy about the impending surgeryxbraces joy exclaimed "FINALLY, I WEAR BRACES AND TAKE OUT AND YOU STILL DECIDING WHETHER YOU SHOULD DO OR NOT"... i have lovely friends)

Long story short, I'm headed for surgery first orthognathic correction because my dentists/orthodontist/surgeon + myself do not believe I have the time to do the traditional approach that entails 2 years of braces, surgery and a down time of 1 month (with my jaws tied on a diet of ensure milk). Instead, I'll be doing surgery with a down time of 2 weeks, I'll have a swollen face for 3 months (Hideousness here I come) and 1.5 years of braces after x a new face.
My feeling about it: apprehensive, nervous... and at the same time I know full well that I much rather go through this now then wear dentures prematurely and incur the wrath of something known as TMJ which apparently strikes those with an untreated underbite in their later years. I think the biggest issue I face is that I don't actually want a new face or a new look.. I just want a proper set of working teeth.. unfortunately for me, that comes with a new face (well. we all have our crosses in life.. I'm lucky my parents are supportive and financially able to help me with this cross and I know full well that I should stop whinging as such)

Because I couldn't find very much on the procedure I'm headed for.. I'm determined to keep this journal as a timeline for myself.. so i'm sorry if I'm going to put you through some hideous photos of myself x swollen face x braces in the coming future - I promise I will be more diligent with livejournal cuts.

When is the surgery?12 September 2013 - I'm going to buy myself the world's crunchiest birthday cake
So effectively.. 30 days from now. Grand plans in the mean time? THINGS I MUST EAT BEFORE THE SURGERY...
  • Hai Di Lao (will be settling this tomorrow!)
  • A good buffet
  • Madang
  • a nice chewy piece of steak
  • fishball noodles
  • kaya toast x a million
  • corn corn corn corn corn (i love corn soup)
  • crunchy peanut butter toasts (which I've been having every morning)
  • chrashi don
  • A nice fat curry puff which doesn't have chicken meat inside
  • Deep fried frogs legs from Cajun kitchen
Actually..you know what I really want.. I really want a plane ticket to Taipei for 1 weekend.. I will eat Taipei up and come home ready for the surgery.

p/s - I have discovered that the best $400 I've ever spent goes to my pair of black ferragamo flats.. i spent 15 mins trying to find a pair of shoes my super sore and blistered feet could wear today without dying... turns out the only candidate that worked... these pair of flats I for a long time thought I'd made a mistake for buying... If only I didn't spend so much on toher frivalous things last time.. I guess I now value the little money I have better (a lesson well learnt!)

engagement, mandibular surgery, surgery first orthognathic approach, sammii, food, down under

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