& so we visited Koko Black Cafe and i decided that it was love at first sight.
yes, it sucks that my massive slice of silken chocolate tart with orange cream cost me a whopping 12.50 AUD, but it was so gooood and so smooth it was so worth it.
It's tough to find a chocolate cafe which specialises in Dark chocolate. Cafes like Max Brenner deal mainly with milk chocolate and don't hit the spot for me, Koko did.
The chocolate was 80% dark chocolate and was far from being over-sweet <3.
to top it all off, my hot chocolate was so nicely made- the amount of sugar was just nice and the intensity of chocolate in there was just "mhhhhhM'
notice that I couldn't resist starting before i took a photo
my hot chocolateeee *beams*
chenxi's super yummy shortbread, cake and chocolate mousse platter
as you can tell, we had a awesome time.
we also visited "grill'd"- a burger place- which serves burgers bigger than those you find at Carl's Jr. with better quality meat and yummier fillings all together- we could barely walk by the time we were done with ours. Note that the time difference between our burger venture and our chocolate one was like 2 hours...
chenxi's bacon & cheese and my summer sunset <3 <3 <3!
hello diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity, here i come!
oh & did i mention (: some things might be back in business soon/ again for the 100000th time (:
unfortunately, someone went back to sing-a-pore today :/